Program guide > Plan to develop applications

Directory conventions

The following directory conventions are used throughout the documentation to must reference special directories such as wxs_install_root and wxs_home. You access these directories during several different scenarios, including during installation and use of command-line tools.


The wxs_install_root directory is the root directory where WebSphere eXtreme Scale product files are installed. The wxs_install_root directory can be the directory in which the trial zip file is extracted or the directory in which the WebSphere eXtreme Scale product is installed.

  • Example when extracting the trial:

    Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/eXtremeScale

  • Example when WebSphere eXtreme Scale is installed to a stand-alone directory:

    Example: /opt/IBM/eXtremeScale

  • Example when WebSphere eXtreme Scale is integrated with WAS:

    Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer


The wxs_home directory is the root directory of the WebSphere eXtreme Scale product libraries, samples and components. This is the same as the wxs_install_root directory when the trial is extracted. For stand-alone installations, the wxs_home directory is the ObjectGrid sub-directory within the wxs_install_root directory. For installations that are integrated with WAS, this directory is the optionalLibraries/ObjectGrid directory within the wxs_install_root directory.

  • Example when extracting the trial:

    Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/eXtremeScale

  • Example when WebSphere eXtreme Scale is installed to a stand-alone directory:

    Example: /opt/IBM/eXtremeScale/ObjectGrid

  • Example when WebSphere eXtreme Scale is integrated with WAS:

    Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/optionalLibraries/ObjectGrid


The was_root directory is the root directory of a WAS installation:

Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer


The restservice_home directory is the directory in which the WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service libraries and samples are located. This directory is named restservice and is a sub-directory under the wxs_home directory.

  • Example for stand-alone deployments:

    Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/eXtremeScale/ObjectGrid/restservice

  • Example for WAS integrated deployments:

    Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/optionalLibraries/ObjectGrid/restservice


The tomcat_root is the root directory of the Apache Tomcat installation.

Example: /opt/tomcat5.5


The wasce_root is the root directory of the WAS Community Edition installation.



The java_home is the root directory of a Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) installation.



The samples_home is the directory in which you extract the sample files that are used for tutorials.


Parent topic:

Plan to develop applications

Related concepts

WebSphere eXtreme Scale programming interfaces

Class loader and classpath considerations

Related tasks

Set up a stand-alone development environment

Run a WebSphere eXtreme Scale client or server application with Apache Tomcat in Rational Application Developer

Run an integrated client or server application with WAS in Rational Application Developer


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