- Plan the WebSphere eXtreme Scale environment
- Plan overview
- Hardware and software
- Directory conventions
- JEE considerations
- Cache topology
- Local in-memory cache
- Peer-replicated local cache
- Distributed cache
- Embedded cache
- Multi-master replication
- Initial considerations for multi-master topology
- Available topologies for multi-master replication
- Topology considerations for multi-master replication
- Catalog service
- Containers and partitions
- Capacity planning
- Sizing memory and partition count calculation
- Sizing CPU per partition for transactions
- Sizing CPUs for parallel transactions
- Dynamic cache capacity planning
- Operational checklist
- Install
- Install a stand-alone configuration
- Install within WAS
- Runtime files for WAS installation
- Installation Factory for customized packages
- Build definition file
- Build definition file with Installation Factory
- Create a build definition file and generating an IIP
- Silent installation
- Create and augment profiles
- Use the graphical user interface to create profiles
- Use the graphical user interface to augment profiles
- manageprofiles command
- Non-root profiles
- Install silently
- Customize WebSphere eXtreme Scale for z/OS
- Install the WebSphere Customization Tools
- Generate customization definitions
- Upload and running customized jobs
- Uninstall WebSphere eXtreme Scale
- Upgrade and migrating WebSphere eXtreme Scale v7.1
- Configure the deployment environment
- XML files for configuration
- Configure data grids
- Configure local deployments
- Configure evictors
- Plug-ins for indexing data
- Configure a locking strategy
- Configure loaders
- Configure write-behind loader support
- Write-behind caching
- Write-behind caching support
- Handle failed write-behind updates
- Example: Writing a write-behind dumper class
- Configure peer-to-peer replication with JMS
- ObjectGrid descriptor XML file
- objectGrid.xsd file
- Configure deployment policies
- Configure distributed deployments
- Controlling shard placement with zones
- Use zones for effective shard placement
- Zone-preferred routing
- Define zones for containers
- Zone definition examples for deployment file
- View zone information with xsadmin
- Configure failover detection
- Deployment policy descriptor XML file
- deploymentPolicy.xsd file
- Configure catalog and container servers
- Server properties file
- Configure WebSphere eXtreme Scale with WAS
- Configure the catalog service in WAS
- Create catalog service domains in WAS
- Catalog service domain administrative tasks
- Catalog service domain collection
- Catalog service domain settings
- Catalog service domain custom properties
- Configure container servers in WAS
- Configure quorum
- Best practice: Clustering the catalog service
- Configure multi-master replication topologies
- Configure ports
- Plan for network ports
- Configure ports in stand-alone mode
- Configure ports in a WAS environment
- Servers with multiple network cards
- Configure Object Request Brokers
- ORB properties file
- ORB properties and file descriptor settings
- Enable NIO or ChannelFramework on the ORB
- Use the Object Request Broker with stand-alone WebSphere eXtreme Scale processes
- Configure a custom Object Request Broker
- Configure clients
- Client properties file
- Configure clients
- Enable the client invalidation mechanism
- Configure request retry timeout values
- Configure entities
- Configure cache integration
- Configure JPA loaders
- Configure a JPA time-based data updater
- JPA cache configuration properties
- Configure HTTP session managers
- XML files for HTTP session manager configuration
- Configure the HTTP session manager with WAS
- Automatically splicing applications for HTTP session management in WAS
- splicer.properties file
- Use WebSphere eXtreme Scale for SIP session management
- Configure HTTP session manager with WebSphere Portal
- Configure the HTTP session manager for various application servers
- Servlet context initialization parameters
- Configure the dynamic cache provider for WebSphere eXtreme Scale
- Configure Spring integration
- Spring descriptor XML file
- Spring objectgrid.xsd file
- Spring extension beans and namespace support
- Start a container server with Spring
- Configure the REST data service
- REST data service properties file
- Administer the REST data service
- Install the REST data service
- Deploy the REST data service on WAS
- Deploy the REST data service on WAS Community Edition
- Deploy the REST data service on Apache Tomcat
- Operate the deployment environment
- Start and stop stand-alone servers
- Start and stop servers in a WAS environment
- Use the embedded server API to start and stop servers
- Manage ObjectGrid availability
- Ovveride catalog service quorum
- Administer programmatically with Managed Beans (MBeans)
- Secure the deployment environment
- Tutorial: Integrate WebSphere eXtreme Scale security with WAS
- Introduction
- Module 1: Prepare WAS
- Lesson 1.1: Understand the topology and get the tutorial files
- Lesson 1.2: Configure the WAS environment
- Module 2: Configure WebSphere eXtreme Scale to use WAS Authentication plug-ins
- Lesson 2.1: Configure client server security
- Lesson 2.2: Configure catalog server security
- Lesson 2.3: Configure container server security
- Lesson 2.4: Install and run the sample
- Module 3: Configure transport security
- Lesson 3.1: Configure CSIv2 inbound and outbound transport
- Lesson 3.2: Add SSL properties to the catalog server properties file
- Lesson 3.3: Check the orb.properties file
- Lesson 3.4: Run the sample
- Module 4: Use Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) authorization in WAS
- Lesson 4.1: Enable WebSphere eXtreme Scale authorization
- Lesson 4.2: Enable user-based authorization
- Lesson 4.3: Configure group-based authorization
- Module 5: Use the xsadmin tool to monitor data grids and maps
- Tutorial: Security in a mixed environment
- Introduction
- Module 1: Prepare the environment
- Lesson 1.1: Understand the topology and get the tutorial files
- Lesson 1.2: Configure the WAS environment
- Module 2: Configure authentication
- Lesson 2.1: Configure WebSphere eXtreme Scale client security
- Lesson 2.2: Configure catalog server security
- Lesson 2.3: Configure container server security
- Lesson 2.4: Install and run the sample
- Module 3: Configure transport security
- Lesson 3.1: Configure CSIv2 inbound and outbound transport
- Lesson 3.2: Add SSL properties to the catalog server properties file
- Lesson 3.3: Check the orb.properties file
- Lesson 3.4: Run the sample
- Module 4: Use Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) authorization in WAS
- Lession 4.1: Enable WebSphere eXtreme Scale authorization
- Lesson 4.2: Enable user-based authorization
- Module 5: Use the xsadmin tool to monitor data grids and maps
- Security integration with WAS
- Enable local security
- Start and stop secure servers
- Data grid authentication
- Data grid security
- Application client authentication
- Application client authorization
- Transport layer security and secure sockets layer
- Configure secure transport types
- Configure the orb.properties file for transport security support
- Configure SSL parameters
- Java Management Extensions (JMX) security
- Security integration with external providers
- Secure the REST data service
- Security descriptor XML file
- objectGridSecurity.xsd file
- Monitor the environment
- Statistics overview
- Monitor with the web console
- Start and logging in to the web console
- Connect the web console to catalog servers
- View statistics with the web console
- Monitor with the statistics API
- Monitor with the xsAdmin sample utility
- Monitor with WAS PMI
- Monitor with managed beans (MBeans)
- Monitor with vendor tools
- Monitor eXtreme Scale information in DB2
- Tune and performance
- Operational checklist
- Operating systems and network tuning
- Plan for network ports
- ORB properties and file descriptor settings
- JVM tuning for WebSphere eXtreme Scale
- Configure failover detection
- Use WebSphere Real Time
- Tune IBM DynaCache
- Tune the cache sizing agent
- Troubleshoot
- Enable logs
- Enable trace
- Trace options
- Troubleshoot installation
- Troubleshoot client connectivity
- Troubleshoot loaders
- Troubleshoot XML configuration
- Troubleshoot security
- IBM Support Assistant for WebSphere eXtreme Scale
- Messages
- Release notes
- Glossary
- Site map