IBM Java v7 J9 on Windows
- Product overview
- IBM SDK for Java
- SDK components
- The collector and the allocator
- Class loader
- Interpreter
- Platform port layer
- The collector and the allocator
- The collector and the allocator
- Allocation
- Global garbage collection
- Generational Concurrent Garbage Collector
- Balanced Garbage Collection policy
- Region age
- NUMA awareness
- Partial Garbage Collection
- Global Mark Phase
- When to use the Balanced garbage collection policy
- How to do heap sizing
- Garbage collection summary
- How to coexist with the Garbage Collector
- Frequently asked questions about the Garbage Collector
- Class loading
- Class data sharing
- The JIT compiler
- The AOT compiler
- Java Remote Method Invocation
- The ORB
- Java IDL or RMI-IIOP?
- RMI-IIOP limitations
- Further reading
- Examples of client-server applications
- Interfaces
- Remote object implementation (or servant)
- Stubs and ties generation
- Server code
- Summary of major differences between RMI (JRMP) and RMI-IIOP
- Summary of differences in server development
- Summary of differences in client development
- Use the ORB
- How the ORB works
- The client side
- Stub creation
- ORB initialization
- Obtain the remote object
- Remote method invocation
- The server side
- Servant implementation
- Tie generation
- Servant binding
- Processing a request
- Additional features of the ORB
- Portable object adapter
- Fragmentation
- Portable interceptors
- Interoperable Naming Service (INS)
- The Java Native Interface (JNI)
- Overview of JNI
- The JNI and the Garbage Collector
- Overview of JNI object references
- JNI transitions
- J2J and N2N transitions
- N2J transitions
- J2N calls
- J2N returns
- Copying and pinning
- Use the isCopy flag
- Use the mode flag
- A generic way to use the isCopy and mode flags
- Handling exceptions
- Synchronization
- Debug the JNI
- JNI checklist
- Planning
- Install the SDK and Runtime Environment
- Before you install
- Install the packages
- Attended (interactive) installation
- Install the Runtime Environment as the system JVM
- Unattended installation
- Enable the IBM Accessibility Bridge
- Disable Java Accessibility support
- Information for European language users
- Set the path
- Set the class path
- Update your SDK or JRE for daylight saving time changes
- Uninstallation
- Develop Java applications
- Use XML
- Migrating to the XL-TXE-J
- XML reference information
- XL XP-J reference information
- XL TXE-J reference information
- Use an older version of Xerces or Xalan
- Debug Java applications
- Java Debugger (JDB)
- Determine whether your application is running on a 32-bit or 64-bit JVM
- How the JVM processes signals
- Signals used by the JVM
- Linking a native code driver to the signal-chaining library
- Write JNI applications
- Supported compilers
- CORBA support
- System properties for tracing the ORB
- System properties for tuning the ORB
- Java security permissions for the ORB
- ORB implementation classes
- RMI over IIOP
- RMI-IIOP Programmer's Guide
- Background reading
- What are RMI, IIOP, and RMI-IIOP?
- The rmic compiler
- The idlj compiler
- Making RMI programs use IIOP
- Connecting IIOP stubs to the ORB
- Restrictions when running RMI programs over IIOP
- Additional information
- Implement the Connection Handler Pool for RMI
- Enhanced BigDecimal
- Support for the Java Attach API
- Plug-in, Applet Viewer and Web Start
- Use the Java plug-in
- Supported browsers
- Install the Java plug-in using the Java control panel
- Secure Static Versioning (SSV) support
- Common Document Object Model (DOM) support
- Use DBCS parameters
- Work with applets
- Run and debug with the Applet Viewer
- Unique CLSIDs
- Use Web Start
- Run Web Start
- WebStart Secure Static Versioning
- Distributing Java applications
- Java Communications API (JavaComm)
- Install Java Communications API from a compressed file
- Configure the Java Communications API
- Specify devices in the javax.comm.properties file
- Print limitation with the Java Communications API
- Uninstall Java Communications API
- The Java Communications API documentation
- Run Java applications
- The java and javaw commands
- Obtain version information
- Specify Java options and system properties
- Standard options
- Globalization of the java command
- Executing a Java file automatically
- Run Java applications with native assistive technologies
- The Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler
- Specify a garbage collection policy
- Euro symbol support
- Configure large page memory allocation
- Performance
- Security
- Troubleshooting
- System dump
- Debug memory leaks
- JIT compilation and performance
- ORB problem determination
- Identify an ORB problem
- Debug properties
- ORB exceptions
- Completion status and minor codes
- Java security permissions for the ORB
- Interpreting the stack trace
- Description string
- Interpreting ORB traces
- ORB trace message
- Comm traces
- Client or server
- Service contexts
- Common problems
- ORB application hangs
- Start the client before the server is running
- Client and server are running, but not naming service
- Run the client with MACHINE2 (client) unplugged from the network
- IBM ORB service: collecting data
- Preliminary tests
- Attach API problem determination
- Use diagnostic tools
- Scenarios in which dumps might not be produced
- Use the IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java
- Advanced control of dump agents
- Use Javadump
- Enable a Javadump
- Triggering a Javadump
- Interpreting a Javadump
- Javadump tags
- TITLE, GPINFO, and ENVINFO sections
- Native memory (NATIVEMEMINFO)
- Storage Management (MEMINFO)
- Locks, monitors, and deadlocks (LOCKS)
- Threads and stack trace (THREADS)
- Understand Java and native thread details
- Blocked thread information
- Shared Classes (SHARED CLASSES)
- Class loaders and Classes (CLASSES)
- Environment variables and Javadump
- Use Heapdump
- Get Heapdumps
- Enable text formatted ("classic") Heapdumps
- Available tools for processing Heapdumps
- Use -Xverbose:gc to obtain heap information
- Environment variables and Heapdump
- Text (classic) Heapdump file format
- Portable Heap Dump (PHD) file format
- PHD object records
- PHD array records
- PHD class records
- Use system dumps and the dump viewer
- Overview of system dumps
- jdmpview commands quick reference
- Tracing Java applications and the JVM
- What can be traced?
- Types of tracepoint
- Default tracing
- Where does the data go?
- Write trace data to memory buffers
- Write trace data to a file
- External tracing
- Tracing to stderr
- Trace combinations
- Controlling the trace
- Specify trace options
- Detailed descriptions of trace options
- properties[=<filename>]
- buffers=nnnk|nnnm[,dynamic|nodynamic]
- Options that control tracepoint activation
- Tracepoint specification
- Trace levels
- Use the Java API
- Use the trace formatter
- Determine the tracepoint ID of a tracepoint
- Application trace
- Implement application trace
- Registering for trace
- Tracepoints
- Printf specifiers
- Example HelloWorld with application trace
- Use application trace at run time
- Use method trace
- Run with method trace
- Untraceable methods
- Examples of use
- Example of method trace output
- JIT and AOT problem determination
- The Diagnostics Collector
- Garbage Collector diagnostic data
- Class-loader diagnostic data
- Cache naming
- Cache access
- Cache housekeeping
- Cache performance
- Compatibility between service releases
- Deal with runtime bytecode modification
- Potential problems with runtime bytecode modification
- Modification contexts
- SharedClassHelper partitions
- Use the JVMTI ClassFileLoadHook with cached classes
- JVMTI redefinition and retransformation of classes
- Further considerations for runtime bytecode modification
- Understand dynamic updates
- Use the Java Helper API
- Use the SharedClassHelper API
- Obtain information about shared caches
- Understand shared classes diagnostics output
- Verbose output
- VerboseIO output
- VerboseHelper output
- verboseAOT output
- printStats utility
- printAllStats utility
- Debug problems with shared classes
- Use shared classes trace
- Why classes in the cache might not be found or stored
- Deal with initialization problems
- Deal with verification problems
- Deal with cache problems
- Class sharing with OSGi ClassLoading framework
- Use the Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability Interface
- Prepare to use JVMRI
- Write an agent
- Registering a trace listener
- Changing trace options
- Starting the agent
- Building the agent
- Agent design
- JVMRI functions
- API calls provided by JVMRI
- CreateThread
- DumpDeregister
- DumpRegister
- DynamicVerbosegc
- GenerateHeapdump
- GenerateJavacore
- GetComponentDataArea
- GetRasInfo
- InitiateSystemDump
- InjectOutOfMemory
- InjectSigSegv
- NotifySignal
- ReleaseRasInfo
- RunDumpRoutine
- SetOutOfMemoryHook
- TraceDeregister
- TraceDeregister50
- TraceRegister
- TraceRegister50
- TraceResume
- TraceResumeThis
- TraceSet
- TraceSnap
- TraceSuspend
- TraceSuspendThis
- RasInfo structure
- RasInfo request types
- Intercepting trace data
- The -Xtrace:external=<option>
- Calling external trace
- Formatting
- Use the HPROF Profiler
- Use the JVMTI
- IBM JVMTI extensions
- Sample JVMTI agent
- IBM JVMTI extensions - API reference
- Query JVM dump options
- Set JVM dump options
- Triggering a JVM dump
- Reset JVM dump options
- Event function for dump start
- Event function for dump end
- Set JVM trace options
- Query JRE native memory categories
- Query JVM log options
- Set JVM log options
- JVMTI extensions - finding shared class caches
- JVMTI extensions - removing a shared class cache
- Subscribe to verbose garbage collection logging
- Unsubscribe from verbose garbage collection logging
- Use the Diagnostic Tool Framework for Java
- Use JConsole
- Reference
- Command-line options
- Specify command-line options
- General command-line options
- System property command-line options
- -Dcom.ibm.cacheLatestUserDefinedLoader property
- -Dcom.ibm.dbgmalloc property
- -Dcom.ibm.enableClassCaching property
- -Dcom.ibm.jsse2.renegotiate property
- -Dcom.ibm.lang.management.verbose
- -Dcom.ibm.IgnoreMalformedInput
- -Dcom.ibm.mappedByteBufferForce
- -Dcom.ibm.rational.mvfs.checking
- -Dcom.ibm.tools.attach.enable
- -Dcom.ibm.zipfile.closeinputstreams
- -Dfile.encoding
- -Dibm.jvm.bootclasspathoption
- -Dibm.stream.nio
- -Dil8n.vs
- -Djava.compiler
- -Djavax.xml.namespace.QName.useCompatibleHashCodeAlgorithm
- -Djdk.map.althashing.threshold
- -Dsun.awt.keepWorkingSetOnMinimize
- -Dsun.net.client.defaultConnectTimeout
- -Dsun.net.client.defaultReadTimeout
- -Dsun.nio.MaxDirectMemorySize
- -Dsun.rmi.transport.tcp.connectionPool
- -Dswing.useSystemFontSettings
- JVM command-line options
- -X
- -Xaggressive
- -Xargencoding
- -Xbootclasspath
- -Xbootclasspath/a
- -Xbootclasspath/p
- -Xcheck
- -Xcheck:classpath
- -Xcheck:gc
- -Xcheck:jni
- -Xcheck:memory
- -Xcheck:vm
- -Xclassgc
- -Xcompressedrefs
- -Xdiagnosticscollector
- -Xdisablejavadump
- -Xdump
- -Xenableexplicitgc
- -Xfastresolve
- -Xfuture
- -Xiss
- -Xjarversion
- -Xjni
- -Xlinenumbers
- -XlockReservation
- -Xlockword
- -Xlog
- -Xlp
- -Xlp:codecache
- -Xlp:objectheap
- -Xmso
- -Xnoagent
- -Xnoclassgc
- -Xnocompressedrefs
- -Xnolinenumbers
- -Xnosigcatch
- -Xnosigchain
- -Xoptionsfile
- -Xoss
- -Xrdbginfo
- -Xrs
- -Xscdmx
- -Xscmx
- -Xshareclasses
- -Xsigcatch
- -Xsigchain
- -Xss
- -Xssi
- -Xthr
- -XtlhPrefetch
- -Xtrace
- -Xtune:elastic
- -Xtune:virtualized
- -Xverify
- -Xzero
- -XX command-line options
- -XXallowvmshutdown
- -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize
- -XX:ShareClassesEnableBCI
- -XX:-StackTraceInThrowable
- -XX:[+|-]UseCompressedOops
- JIT and AOT command-line options
- -Xaot
- -Xcodecache
- -XcompilationThreads
- -Xint
- -Xjit
- -Xnoaot
- -Xnojit
- -Xquickstart
- -XsamplingExpirationTime
- -Xscmaxaot
- -Xscmaxjitdata
- -Xscminaot optoin
- -Xscminjitdata
- Garbage Collector command-line options
- -Xalwaysclassgc
- -Xclassgc
- -Xcompactexplicitgc
- -Xcompactgc
- -Xconcurrentbackground
- -Xconcurrentlevel
- -Xconcurrentslack
- -Xconmeter
- -Xdisableexcessivegc
- -Xdisableexplicitgc
- -Xdisablestringconstantgc
- -Xenableexcessivegc
- -Xenablestringconstantgc
- -Xgc
- -Xgc:splitheap
- -Xgcpolicy
- -Xgcthreads
- -Xgcworkpackets
- -Xloa
- -Xloainitial
- -Xloamaximum
- -Xloaminimum
- -Xmaxe
- -Xmaxf
- -Xmaxt
- -Xmca
- -Xmco
- -Xmine
- -Xminf
- -Xmint
- -Xmn
- -Xmns
- -Xmnx
- -Xmo
- -Xmoi
- -Xmos
- -Xmox
- -Xmr
- -Xmrx
- -Xms
- -Xmx
- -Xnoclassgc
- -Xnocompactexplicitgc
- -Xnocompactgc
- -Xnoloa
- -Xnuma:none
- -Xsoftmx
- -Xsoftrefthreshold
- -Xtgc
- -Xverbosegclog
- Balanced Garbage Collection policy options
- Messages
- Find logged messages
- Obtain detailed message descriptions
- CORBA minor codes
- Environment variables
- Known issues and limitations
- Support for virtualization software
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