IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Using diagnostic tools > Shared classes diagnostic data

Using the Java Helper API

Classes are shared by the bootstrap class loader internally in the JVM. Any other Java™ class loader must use the Java Helper API to find and store classes in the shared class cache.

The Helper API provides a set of flexible Java interfaces so that Java class loaders to use the shared classes features in the JVM. The shipped with the SDK has been modified to use a SharedClassURLClasspathHelper and any class loaders that extend inherit this behavior. Custom class loaders that do not extend URLClassLoader but want to share classes must use the Java Helper API. This topic contains a summary on the different types of Helper API available and how to use them.

The Helper API classes are contained in the package. For a detailed description of each helper and how to use it, see the Javadoc information.

The Shared class contains static utility methods: getSharedClassHelperFactory() and isSharingEnabled(). If -Xshareclasses is specified on the command line and sharing has been successfully initialized, isSharingEnabled() returns true. If sharing is enabled, getSharedClassHelperFactory() returns a The helper factories are singleton factories that manage the Helper APIs. To use the Helper APIs, you must get a Factory.

SharedClassHelperFactory provides an interface used to create various types of SharedClassHelper for class loaders. Class loaders and SharedClassHelpers have a one-to-one relationship. Any attempts to get a helper for a class loader that already has a different type of helper causes a HelperAlreadyDefinedException.

Because class loaders and SharedClassHelpers have a one-to-one relationship, calling findHelperForClassLoader() returns a Helper for a given class loader if one exists.

There are three different types of SharedClassHelper:

  • SharedClassTokenHelper. Use this Helper to store and find classes using a String token generated by the class loader. This Helper is normally used by class loaders that require total control over cache contents.
  • SharedClassURLHelper. Store and find classes using a file system location represented as a URL. For use by class loaders that do not have the concept of a class path and load classes from multiple locations.
  • SharedClassURLClasspathHelper. Store and find classes using a class path of URLs. For use by class loaders that load classes using a URL class path

Compatibility between Helpers is as follows: Classes stored by SharedClassURLHelper can be found using a SharedClassURLClasspathHelper and the opposite also applies. However, classes stored using a SharedClassTokenHelper can be found only by using a SharedClassTokenHelper.

Note: Classes stored using the URL Helpers are updated dynamically by the cache (see Understanding dynamic updates). Classes stored by the SharedClassTokenHelper are not updated by the cache because the Tokens are meaningless Strings, so the Helper has no way of obtaining version information.

You can control the classes a URL Helper finds and stores in the cache using a SharedClassURLFilter. An object implementing this interface can be passed to the SharedClassURLHelper when it is constructed or after it has been created. The filter is then used to decide which classes to find and store in the cache. See Using the SharedClassHelper API for more information. For a detailed description of each helper and how to use it, see the Javadoc information.

Parent: Shared classes diagnostic data

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