IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Developing Java applications > How the JVM processes signals

Linking a native code driver to the signal-chaining library

The Runtime Environment contains signal-chaining. Signal-chaining enables the JVM to interoperate more efficiently with native code that installs its own signal handlers.

Signal-chaining enables an application to link and load the shared library jsig.dll before msvcrt.dll. The jsig.dll library ensures that calls to signal() are intercepted so that their handlers do not replace the JVM's signal handlers. Instead, these calls save the new signal handlers, or "chain" them behind the handlers that are installed by the JVM. Later, when any of these signals are raised and found not to be targeted at the JVM, the preinstalled handlers are called.

The libjsig.dll library also hides JVM signal handlers from the application. Therefore, calls such as signal(), sigset(), and sigaction() that are made after the JVM has started no longer return a reference to the JVM's signal handler, but instead return any handler that was installed before JVM startup.

The environment variable JAVA_HOME should be set to the location of the SDK, for example,install_dir.

To use jsig.dll, link it with the application that creates or embeds a JVM.

Parent: How the JVM processes signals

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