IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Using diagnostic tools > Using Javadump > Interpreting a Javadump


At the start of a Javadump, the first three sections are the TITLE, GPINFO, and ENVINFO sections. They provide useful information about the cause of the dump.

The following example shows some output taken from a simple Java™ test program calling (using JNI) an external function that causes a "general protection fault" (GPF).

Shows basic information about the event that caused the generation of the Javadump, the time it was taken, and its name.
0SECTION       TITLE subcomponent dump routine
NULL           ===============================
1TICHARSET     850
1TISIGINFO     Dump Event "gpf" (00002000) received 
1TIDATETIME    Date:                 2011/11/03 at 17:26:50
1TIFILENAME    Javacore filename:    C:\test\RAS\crash\javacore.20111103.172648.188.0002.txt
1TIREQFLAGS    Request Flags: 0x81 (exclusive+preempt)
1TIPREPSTATE   Prep State: 0x100
1TIPREPINFO    Exclusive VM access not taken: data may not be consistent across javacore sections
Varies in content depending on whether the Javadump was produced because of a GPF or not. It shows some general information about the operating system. If the failure was caused by a GPF, GPF information about the failure is provided, in this case showing that the protection exception was thrown from C:\test\RAS\crash\crash.dll. The registers specific to the processor and architecture are also displayed.
0SECTION       GPINFO subcomponent dump routine
NULL           ================================
2XHOSLEVEL     OS Level         : Windows 7 6.1 build 7601 Service Pack 1
2XHCPUS        Processors -
3XHCPUARCH       Architecture   : amd64
3XHNUMCPUS       How Many       : 2
3XHNUMASUP       NUMA is either not supported or has been disabled by user
1XHEXCPCODE    Windows_ExceptionCode: C0000005
1XHEXCPCODE    J9Generic_Signal: 00000004
1XHEXCPCODE    ExceptionAddress: 000007FEF6F6106A
1XHEXCPCODE    ContextFlags: 0010001F
1XHEXCPCODE    Handler1: 000007FEF6FD2510
1XHEXCPCODE    Handler2: 000007FEF71813E0
1XHEXCPMODULE  Module: C:\test\RAS\crash\crash.dll
1XHEXCPMODULE  Module_base_address: 000007FEF6F60000
1XHEXCPMODULE  Offset_in_DLL: 000000000000106A
1XHREGISTERS   Registers:
2XHREGISTER      RDI: 0000000000000000
2XHREGISTER      RSI: 0000000000000007
2XHREGISTER      RAX: 0000000000000000
2XHREGISTER      RBX: 0000000000000110
2XHREGISTER      RCX: 00000000004E9F00
2XHREGISTER      RDX: 0000000003E8F828
1XHFLAGS       VM flags:0000000000000000
The GPINFO section also refers to the vmState, recorded in the console output as VM flags. The vmState is the thread-specific state of what was happening in the JVM at the time of the crash. The value for vmState is a hexadecimal number ending in MSSSS, where M is the SDK component and SSSS is component specific code.

SDK component Code number
NONE 0x00000
GC 0x20000
GROW_STACK 0x30000
JNI 0x40000
BCVERIFY 0x60000
RTVERIFY 0x70000
In the example, the value for vmState is VM flags:0000000000000000, which indicates a crash in code outside the SDK. The crash was in the application native library C:\test\RAS\crash\crash.dll.
When the vmState major component is JIT_CODEGEN, see the information at JIT and AOT problem determination.
Shows information about the JRE level that failed and details about the command line that launched the JVM process and the JVM environment in place.
A new line, 1CIJITMODES, provides information about JIT settings. In earlier releases, some of the information about JIT and AOT settings is shown in the 1CIJITVERSION line.
0SECTION       ENVINFO subcomponent dump routine
NULL           =================================
1CIJAVAVERSION JRE 1.7.0 Windows 7 amd64-64 build 20111030_93831 (pwa6470sr1-20111102_01 (SR1))
1CIVMVERSION   VM build R26_JVM_26_20111027_1554_B93634
1CIJITVERSION  r11_20111024_21159
1CIGCVERSION   GC - R26_JVM_26_20111007_1455_B92181
1CIJITMODES    JIT enabled, AOT enabled, FSD disabled, HCR disabled
1CIRUNNINGAS   Running as a standalone JVM
1CICMDLINE     java gpf
1CIJAVAHOMEDIR Java Home Dir:   c:\build\pwa6470sr1-20111102\sdk\jre
1CIJAVADLLDIR  Java DLL Dir:    c:\build\pwa6470sr1-20111102\sdk\jre\bin
1CISYSCP       Sys Classpath:   c:\build\pwa6470sr1-20111102\sdk\jre\bin\...
1CIUSERARGS    UserArgs:
2CIUSERARG               -Xoptionsfile=c:\build\pwa6470sr1-20111102\sdk\jre\...
2CIUSERARG               -Xjcl:jclse7b_26
2CIUSERARG     \build\...
2CIUSERARG               -Dsun.boot.library.path=c:\build\pwa6470sr1-20111102\...
2CIUSERARG               -Djava.library.path=c:\build\pwa6470sr1-20111102\sdk\...
2CIUSERARG               -Djava.home=c:\build\pwa6470sr1-20111102\sdk\jre

The ENVINFO section of the javacore contains additional information about the operating system environment in which the JVM is running. This information includes:

The output is similar to the following lines:

1CIUSERLIMITS  User Limits (in bytes except for NOFILE and NPROC)
NULL           ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2CIULIMITERR   Not supported on this platform NULL
1CIENVVARS     Environment Variables (may include system defined environment variables)
NULL           ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2CIENVVAR      =::=::\
2CIENVVAR      =C:=C:\test\native\SimpleCrash
2CIENVVAR      =ExitCode=00000000
2CIENVVAR      CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
2CIENVVAR      CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
2CIENVVAR      CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files

Parent: Interpreting a Javadump

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