IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Using diagnostic tools > Shared classes diagnostic data
Understanding dynamic updates
The shared class cache must respond to file system updates; otherwise, a JVM might load classes from the cache that are out of date or "stale". After a class has been marked stale, it is not returned by the cache if it is requested by a class loader. Instead, the class loader must reload the class from disk and store the updated version in the cache.
The cache is managed in a way that helps ensure that the following challenges are addressed:
- Java™ archive and compressed files are usually locked by class loaders when they are in use. The files can be updated when the JVM shuts down. Because the cache persists beyond the lifetime of any JVM using it, subsequent JVMs connecting to the cache check for Java archive and compressed file updates.
- .class files that are not in a .jar file can be updated at any time during the lifetime of a JVM. The cache checks for individual class file updates.
- .class files can be created or removed from directories found in classpaths at any time during the lifetime of a JVM. The cache checks the classpath for classes that have been created or removed.
- .class files must be in a directory structure that reflects their package structure. This structure helps ensure that when checking for updates, the correct directories are searched.
Class files contained in .jar files and compressed files, and class files stored as .class files on the file system, are accessed and used in different ways. The result is that the cache treats them as two different types. Updates are managed by writing file system time stamps into the cache.
Classes found or stored using a SharedClassTokenHelper cannot be maintained in this way, because Tokens are meaningless to the cache. As a direct consequence of updating the class data, AOT data is automatically updated.
Storing classes
When a classpath is stored in the cache, the Java archive and compressed files are time stamped. These time stamps are stored as part of the classpath. Directories are not time stamped. When a ROMClass is stored, if it came from a .class file on the file system, the .class file it came from is time stamped and this time stamp is stored. Directories are not time stamped because there is no guarantee that subsequent updates to a file cause an update to the directory holding the file.
If a compressed or Java archive file does not exist, the classpath containing it can still be added to the cache, but ROMClasses from this entry are not stored. If an attempt is made to add a ROMClass to the cache from a directory, but the ROMClass does not exist as a .class file, it is not stored in the cache.
Time stamps can also be used to determine whether a ROMClass being added is a duplicate of one that exists in the cache.
If a classpath entry is updated on the file system, the entry becomes out of sync with the corresponding classpath time stamp in the cache. The classpath is added to the cache again, and all entries time stamped again. When a ROMClass is added to the cache, the cache is searched for entries from the classpath that applies to the caller. Any potential classpath matches are also time stamp-checked. This check ensures that the matches are up-to-date before the classpath is returned.
Finding classes
When the JVM finds a class in the cache, it must make more checks than when it stores a class.
When a potential match has been found, if it is a .class file on the file system, the time stamps of the .class file and the ROMClass stored in the cache are compared. Regardless of the source of the ROMClass (.jar or .class file), every Java archive and compressed file entry in the calling classpath, up to and including the index at which the ROMClass was "found", must be checked for updates by obtaining the time stamps. Any update might mean that another version of the class being returned had already been added earlier in the classpath.
Additionally, any classpath entries that are directories might contain .class files that "shadow" the potential match that has been found. Class files might be created or deleted in these directories at any point. Therefore, when the classpath is walked and .jar files and compressed files are checked, directory entries are also checked to see whether any .class files have been created unexpectedly. This check involves building a string by using the classpath entry, the package names, and the class name, and then looking for the class file. This procedure is expensive if many directories are being used in class paths. Therefore, using .jar files gives better shared classes performance.
Marking classes as stale
When an individual .class file is updated, only the class or classes stored from that .class file are marked "stale".
When a Java archive or compressed file classpath entry is updated, all of the classes in the cache that could have been affected by that update are marked stale. This action is taken because the cache does not know the contents of individual .jar files and compressed files.
For example, in the following class paths where c has become stale:
- a;b;c;d
- c might now contain new versions of classes in d. Therefore, classes in both c and d are all stale.
- c;d;a
- c might now contain new versions of classes in d or a, or both. Therefore, classes in c, d, and a are all stale.
Classes in the cache that have been loaded from c, d, and a are marked stale. Making a single update to one .jar file might cause many classes in the cache to be marked stale. To avoid massive duplication as classes are updated, stale classes can be marked as not stale, or "redeemed", if it is proved that they are not in fact stale.
Redeeming stale classes
Because classes are marked stale when a class path update occurs, many of the classes marked stale might not have updated. When a class loader stores a class, and in doing so effectively "updates" a stale class, you can "redeem" the stale class if you can prove that it has not in fact changed.
For example, assume that class X is stored in a cache after obtaining it from location c, where c is part of the classpath a;b;c;d. Suppose a is updated. The update means that a might now contain a new version of class X. For this example, assume a does not contain a new version of class X. The update marks all classes loaded from b, c, and d as stale. Next, another JVM must load class X. The JVM asks the cache for class X, but it is stale, so the cache does not return the class. Instead, the class loader fetches class X from disk and stores it in the cache, again using classpath a;b;c;d. The cache checks the loaded version of X against the stale version of X and, if it matches, the stale version is "redeemed".
AOT code
A single piece of AOT code is associated with a specific method in a specific version of a class in the cache. If new classes are added to the cache as a result of a file system update, new AOT code can be generated for those classes. If a particular class becomes stale, the AOT code associated with that class also becomes stale. If a class is redeemed, the AOT code associated with that class is also redeemed. AOT code is not shared between multiple versions of the same class.
The total amount of AOT code can be limited using -Xscmaxaot, and cache space can be reserved for AOT code using -Xscminaot.
JIT data
JIT data is associated with a specific version of a class in the cache. If new classes are added to the cache as a result of a file system update, new JIT data can be generated for those classes. If a particular class becomes stale, the JIT data associated with that class also becomes stale. If a class is redeemed, the JIT data associated with that class is also redeemed. JIT data is not shared between multiple versions of the same class.
The total amount of JIT data can be limited using -Xscmaxjitdata, and cache space can be reserved for JIT data using -Xscminjitdata.
Parent: Shared classes diagnostic data
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