IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Using diagnostic tools > Using system dumps and the dump viewer > Using the dump viewer
Problems to tackle with the dump viewer
Dumps of JVM processes can arise either when you use the -Xdump option on the command line or when the JVM is not in control (such as user-initiated dumps).
jdmpview is most useful in diagnosing customer-type problems and problems with the class libraries. A typical scenario is OutOfMemoryError exceptions in customer applications.
For problems involving gpfs, ABENDS, SIGSEVs, and similar problems, you will obtain more information by using a system debugger (windbg, gdb) with the dump file. The syntax for the gdb command is
gdb <full_java_path> <system_dump_file>For example:gdb /sdk/jre/bin/java core.20060808.173312.9702.dmpjdmpview can still provide useful information when used alone. Because jdmpview allows you to observe stacks and objects, the tool enables introspection into a Javaâ„¢ program in the same way as a Java debugger. It allows you to examine objects, follow reference chains and observe Java stack contents. The main difference (other than the user interface) is that the program state is frozen; thus no stepping can occur. However, this allows you to take periodic program snapshots and perform analysis to see what is happening at different times.
Parent: Using the dump viewer
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