IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > IBM SDK for Java > The ORB > How the ORB works > The server side

Tie generation

You must put an interfacing layer between the servant and the ORB code. In the old RMI (JRMP) naming convention, skeleton was the name given to the proxy that was used on the server side between ORB and the object implementation. In the RMI-IIOP convention, the proxy is called a Tie.

You generate the RMI-IIOP tie class at the same time as the stub, by calling the rmic compiler. These classes are generated from the compiled Java™ programming language classes that contain remote object implementations. For example, the command:

rmic -iiop SampleImpl
generates the stub _Sample_Stub.class and the tie _Sample_Tie.class.

Parent: The server side

Previous topic: Servant implementation

Next topic: Servant binding

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