IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Product overview > Introduction
The JRE provides runtime support for Java applications.The JRE includes the IBM JVM, which interprets Java bytecode at run time. Although the JRE is included with the IBM SDK, it is also available as a separate package on Windows platforms. There are a number of tools included with the JRE that are installed by default into...
Contents of the JRE
Core Classes These classes are the compiled class files for the platform and must remain compressed for the compiler and interpreter to access them. Do not modify these classes; instead, create subclasses and override where you need to. Trusted root certificates From certificate signing authorities. These certificates are used to validate the identity of signed material. ikeycmd.exe Manage keys, certificates, and certificate requests from the command line. ikeyman.exe Manage keys, certificates, and certificate requests. jaaslogon.exe A Windows service that enables JAAS Active Login applications to change their effective user at run time using the JAAS Active Login API. java.exe Java Interpreter. Run Java classes. The Java Interpreter runs programs that are written in the Java programming language. javacpl.exe Java Control Panel. Configure your Runtime Environment. javaw.exe Java Interpreter. Run Java classes in the same way as the java command does, but does not use a console window. javaws.exe Java Web Start. Enable the deployment and automatic maintenance of Java applications. jextract.exe Dump extractor. Convert a system-produced dump into a common format that can be used by jdmpview. keytool.exe Key and Certificate Management Tool. Manage a keystore (database) of private keys and their associated X.509 certificate chains that authenticate the corresponding public keys. kinit.exe Obtain and cache Kerberos ticket-granting tickets. klist.exe Display entries in the local credentials cache and key table. ktab.exe Manage the principal name and service keys stored in a local key table. pack200.exe Transform a JAR file into a compressed pack200 file using the Java gzip compressor. policytool.exe Policy File Creation and Management Tool. Create external policy configuration files that define the Java security policy for your installation. rmid.exe RMI activation system daemon. Start the activation system daemon so that objects can be registered and activated in a JVM. rmiregistry.exe Java remote object registry. Create and start a remote object registry on the specified port of the current host. tnameserv.exe Start the CORBA transient naming service. unpack200.exe Transform a packed file produced by pack200 into a JAR file.
Parent: Introduction
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