IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Using diagnostic tools

Using the Diagnostic Tool Framework for Java

The Diagnostic Tool Framework for Java™ (DTFJ) is a Java API from IBM used to support the building of Java diagnostics tools. DTFJ works with data from a system dump or a Javadump.

For analysis of core dumps from Linux and AIX platforms, copies of executable files and libraries are required along with the system dump. You must run the jextract utility provided in the SDK to collect these files, see Using jextract. You must run jextract with the same SDK level, on the system that produced the system dump. The jextract utility compresses the dump, executable files, and libraries into a single compressed file for use in subsequent problem diagnosis.

For Java 7 SDKs on Windows and z/OS platforms, you do not need to run the jextract utility. For Java 6 and Java 5.0 SDKs containing versions of the IBM J9 virtual machine before V2.6, you must still run the jextract utility for all platforms.

To work with a Javadump, no additional processing is required.

The DTFJ API helps diagnostics tools access the following information:

If your DTFJ application requests information that is not available in the Javadump, the API will return null or throw a DataUnavailable exception. You might need to adapt DTFJ applications written to process system dumps to make them work with Javadumps.

DTFJ is implemented in pure Java and tools written using DTFJ can be cross-platform. Therefore, you can analyze a dump taken from one workstation on another (remote and more convenient) machine. For example, a dump produced on an AIX PPC workstation can be analyzed on a Windows Thinkpad.

API documentation for the DTFJ Interface can be found on developerWorks:

DTFJ classes are accessible without modification to the class path.

Parent: Using diagnostic tools

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