IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Using diagnostic tools > Using the Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability Interface > API calls provided by JVMRI


int CreateThread( JNIEnv *env, void JNICALL (*startFunc)(void*),  
					 void *args, int GCSuspend)

Creates a thread. A thread can be created only after the JVM has been initialized. However, calls to CreateThread can be made also before initialization; the threads are created by a callback function after initialization.

  • A valid pointer to a JNIEnv.
  • Pointer to start function for the new thread.
  • Pointer to argument that is to be passed to start function.
  • GCSuspend parameter is ignored.

JNI Return code JNI_OK if thread creation is successful; otherwise, JNI_ERR.

Parent: API calls provided by JVMRI

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