IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > IBM SDK for Java > The collector and the allocator > Generational Concurrent Garbage Collector

Tilt ratio

The size of the allocate space in the new area is maximized by a technique called tilting. Tilting controls the relative sizes of the allocate and survivor spaces. Based on the amount of data that survives the scavenge, the ratio is adjusted to maximize the amount of time between scavenges.

For example, if the initial total new area size is 500 MB, the allocate and survivor spaces start with 250 MB each (a 50% split). As the application runs and a scavenge GC event is triggered, only 50 MB survives. In this situation, the survivor space is decreased, allowing more space for the allocate space. A larger allocate area means that it takes longer for a garbage collection to occur. This diagram illustrates how the boundary between allocate and survivor space is affected by the tilt ratio.

Parent: Generational Concurrent Garbage Collector

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