IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Problem determination > Windows problem determination > Debugging memory leaks > Tracing leaks

–Xcheck:memory option

The -Xcheck:memory option can help you identify memory leaks inside the JVM. The -Xcheck:memory option traces the JVM calls to the operating system's malloc() and free() functions, and identifies any JVM mistakes in memory allocation.

The system property provides memory allocation information about class library native code. Use this system property with the -Xcheck:memory:callsite=1000 option to obtain detailed information about class library callsites and their allocation sizes. Here is some sample output:

 total alloc   | total freed   | delta alloc   | delta freed   | high water	| largest
 blocks| bytes | blocks| bytes | blocks| bytes | blocks| bytes | blocks| bytes | bytes | num   | callsite
    125   16000       0       0       0       0       0       0     125   16000     128       1 dbgwrapper/dbgmalloc.c:434
      1    3661       1    3661       0       0       0       0       1    3661    3661       1 java/TimeZone_md.c:294
   4144 18121712    4144 18121712     420 1836660     420 1836660     2    8746    4373       1 java/UnixFileSystem_md.c:373
     10     124      10     124       0       0       0       0       2      55      51       1 java/jni_util.c:874
      2   80797       2   80797       0       0       0       0       1   64413   64413       2 java/io_util.c:102
      1      52       1      52       0       0       0       0       1      52      52       1 jli/java.c:2472
      2    1872       1     264       0       0       0       0       2    1872    1608       2 net/linux_close.c:135
      9     288       9     288       0       0       0       0       2      64      32       1 net/Inet6AddressImpl.c:280
  99524 3260992980 99524 3260992980 10514 344503782  10515 344536549  1   32767   32767       1 net/SocketInputStream.c:93
      3      24       3      24       0       0       1       8       2      16       8       1 net/linux_close.c:276
    201    4824       0       0       0       0       0       0     201    4824      24       1 net/linux_close.c:149
    311 1003152     261  496080       0       0      68  142128     119  651040  261360      45 zip/zip_util.c:655
    311   31100     261   26100       0       0      68    6800     119   11900     100       1 zip/zip_util.c:230
    243   15552     222   14208       0       0      85    5440     160   10240      64       1 zip/Inflater.c:61
      1      64       1      64       0       0       0       0       1      64      64       1 zip/Deflater.c:76
    146    7592     123    6396       3     156      74    3848      97    5044      52       1 zip/zip_util_md.c:75
   3242 1443289    3241 1439991      25    4000      92  252856      71  262264    8192     679 zip/zip_util.c:917
    311  125140     261   61724       0       0      68   17856     119   81500   32668      45 zip/zip_util.c:657
    146   37376     123   31488       3     768      74   18944      97   24832     256       1 zip/zip_util_md.c:132
For more information about setting, see System property command-line options.

For more information about the -Xcheck:memory option, see JVM command-line options.

Parent: Tracing leaks

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