IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > IBM SDK for Java > The ORB > How the ORB works > The server side

Servant binding

The steps required to bind the servant are described.

The server implementation is required to do the following tasks:

  1. Create an ORB instance; that is, ORB.init(...)
  2. Create a servant instance; that is, new SampleImpl(...)
  3. Create a Tie instance from the servant instance; that is, Util.getTie(...)
  4. Export the servant by binding it to a naming service

As described for the client side, you must create the ORB instance by calling the ORB static method init(...). The typical steps performed by the init(...) method are:

  1. Retrieve properties
  2. Get the system class loader
  3. Load and instantiate the ORB class as specified in the ORBClass property
  4. Initialize the ORB as determined by the properties

Next, the server must create an instance of the servant class SampleImpl.class. Something more than the creation of an instance of a class happens under the cover. Remember that the servant SampleImpl extends the PortableRemoteObject class, so the constructor of PortableRemoteObject is called. This constructor calls the static method exportObject(...) with the parameter that is the same servant instance that you try to instantiate. If the servant does not inherit from PortableRemoteObject, the application must call exportObject() directly.

The exportObject() method first tries to load an RMI-IIOP tie. The ORB implements a cache of classes of ties for improving performance. If a tie class is not already cached, the ORB loads a tie class for the servant. If it cannot find one, it goes up the inheritance tree, trying to load the parent class ties. The ORB stops if it finds a PortableRemoteObject class or the java.lang.Object, and returns a null value. Otherwise, it returns an instance of that tie from a hashtable that pairs a tie with its servant. If the ORB cannot find the tie, it assumes that an RMI (JRMP) skeleton might be present and calls the exportObject() method of the UnicastRemoteObject class. A null tie is registered in the cache and an exception is thrown. The servant is now ready to receive remote methods invocations. However, it is not yet reachable.

In the next step, the server code must find the tie itself (assuming the ORB has already got hold of the tie) to be able to export it to a naming service. To do that, the server passes the newly created instance of the servant into the static method javax.rmi.CORBA.Util.getTie(). This method, in turn, gets the tie that is in the hashtable that the ORB created. The tie contains the pair of tie-servant classes.

When in possession of the tie, the server must get hold of a reference for the naming service and bind the tie to it. As in the client side, the server calls the ORB method resolve_initial_references("NameService"). The server then creates a NameComponent, which is a directory tree object identifying the path and the name of the remote object reference in the naming service. The server binds the NameComponent together with the tie. The naming service then makes the IOR for the servant available to anyone requesting. During this process, the server code sends a LocateRequest to get hold of the naming server address. It also sends a Request that requires a rebind operation to the naming server.

Parent: The server side

Previous topic: Tie generation

Next topic: Processing a request

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