IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Using diagnostic tools > Using dump agents > Advanced control of dump agents
file option
The file option is used by dump agents that write to a file.
The file option specifies where the diagnostics information is written. For example:
java -Xdump:heap:events=vmstop,file=my.dmpYou can use tokens to add context to dump file names. See Dump agent tokens for more information.
The location for the dump is selected from these options, in this order:
- The location specified on the command line.
- The location specified by the relevant environment variable.
- IBM_JAVACOREDIR for Javadump.
- IBM_HEAPDUMPDIR for Heapdump.
- IBM_COREDIR for system dump, .
- IBM_COREDIR for snap traces, .
- The current working directory of the JVM process.
If the directory does not exist, it is created.
If the dump cannot be written to the selected location, the JVM reverts to using the following locations, in this order:
- On Windows platforms only, the system default location is C:\WINDOWS.
- The location specified by the TMPDIR environment variable.
- C:\Temp on Windows platforms.
This JVM action does not apply to CEEDUMPs on z/OS platforms that use the dsn option.
You can prevent the JVM reverting to different dump locations by using the -Xdump:nofailover option.
Parent: Advanced control of dump agents
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