IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > IBM SDK for Java > The ORB
Using the ORB
To use the Object Request Broker (ORB) effectively, you must understand the properties that the ORB contains. These properties change the behavior of the ORB.
The property values are listed as follows. All property values are specified as strings.
- (range: 0 through 5000) (default: 0=infinite timeout)
The maximum number of milliseconds for which the ServerSocket waits in a call to accept(). If this property is not set, the default 0 is used. If it is not valid, 5000 is used.
Set this property to true so that you can call Thread.interrupt() on a thread that is currently involved in a remote method call. The result is to stop that thread waiting for the call to return. Interrupting a call in this way causes a RemoteException to be thrown, containing a CORBA.NO_RESPONSE runtime exception with the RESPONSE_INTERRUPTED minor code.
If this property is not set, the default behavior is to ignore any Thread.interrupt() received while waiting for a call to finish.
- (range: 0 through 300) (default: 0=infinite timeout)
The maximum number of seconds that the ORB waits when opening a connection to another ORB. By default, no timeout is specified.
The value of this property is a string. This string can be the host name or the IP address of the host, such as If this property is not set, the local host is retrieved by calling one of the following methods:
- For applications: InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress()
- For applets: <applet>.getCodeBase().getHost()
The host name is the name of the system on which the initial server contact for this client is installed.
Note: This property is deprecated. It is replaced by -ORBInitRef and -ORBDefaultInitRef.
- (range: 0 through 2147483647=Java max int) (default: 2809)
The port of the system on which the initial server contact for this client is listening.
Note: This property is deprecated. It is replaced by -ORBInitRef and -ORBDefaultInitRef.
- (range: 0 through 2147483647=Java max int) (default: 2048)
The number of bytes of a General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) message that is read from a socket on the first attempt. A larger buffer size increases the probability of reading the whole message in one attempt. Such an action might improve performance. The minimum size used is 24 bytes.
- (range: 0 through 2147483647) (default: 1)
Setting this value to a number n greater than one causes a client ORB to multiplex communications to each server ORB. There can be no more than n concurrent sockets to each server ORB at any one time. This value might increase throughput under certain circumstances, particularly when a long-running, multithreaded process is acting as a client. The number of parallel connections can never exceed the number of requesting threads. The number of concurrent threads is therefore a sensible upper limit for this property.
- (default: false)
If this property is set, the ORB sends a LocateRequest before the actual Request.
- (range: 0 through 2147483647=Java max int) (default:1024)
Controls GIOP 1.2 fragmentation. The size specified is rounded down to the nearest multiple of 8, with a minimum size of 64 bytes. You can disable message fragmentation by setting the value to 0.
- (range: 0 through 600000 ms) (default: 300000)
The maximum length of time for which the ORB waits for second and subsequent message fragments before timing out. Set this property to 0 if timeout is not required.
- (range: 0 through 2) (default: 0)
When a GIOP 1.2 Request, LocateRequest, Reply, or LocateReply is created, the addressing disposition is set depending on the value of this property:
- 0 = Object Key
- 1 = GIOP Profile
- 2 = full IOR
If this property is not set or is passed an invalid value, the default 0 is used.
The format of the value of this property is a correctly formed URL; for example, The actual file contains a name and value pair like: NameService=<stringified_IOR>. If you specify this property, the ORB does not attempt the bootstrap approach. Use this property if you do not have a bootstrap server and want to have a file on the webserver that serves the purpose.
Note: This property is deprecated.
- (range: 0 through 2147483647=Java max int) (default: next available system assigned port number)
The port on which this server listens for incoming requests. If this property is specified, the ORB starts to listen during ORB.init().
The value of this property is a string. This string can be a host name or the IP address (ex. If this property is not set, retrieve the local host by calling: InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(). This property represents the host name (or IP address) of the system on which the ORB is running. The local host name is used by the server-side ORB to place the host name of the server into the IOR of a remote-able object.
- (range: 0 through 2147483647) (default: 0=infinity)
Defines the number of seconds to wait before timing out on a LocateRequest message.
- (range: 0 through 2147483647) (default: 240)
Determines the maximum number of in-use connections that are to be kept in the connection cache table at any one time.
- (range: 0 through 2147483647) (default: 100)
The ORB cleans up only connections that are not busy from the connection cache table, if the size is of the table is higher than the MinOpenConnections.
- (default: false)
If this property is set to true, no local portable interceptors are used. The expected result is improved performance if interceptors are not required when connecting to a co-located object.
- (default: ISO8859_1)
Specifies the native encoding set used by the ORB for character data.
- (default: UCS2)
Indicates that wchar code set UCS2 is to be used with other ORBs that do not publish a wchar code set.
- (range: 0 through 2147483647) (default: 0=infinity)
Defines the number of seconds to wait before timing out on a Request message.
- (default: true)
Set this property to false to disable the CodeBase SendingContext RunTime service. This means that the ORB does not attach a SendingContextRunTime service context to outgoing messages.
- (default: false)
Tells the ORB to send an initial dummy request before it starts to send any real requests to a remote server. This action determines the partner version of the remote server ORB, based on the response from that ORB.
- (range: 50 through 2147483647) (default: 0)
The maximum queue length for incoming connection indications. A connect indication is a request to connect. If a connection indication arrives when the queue is full, the connection is refused. If the property is not set, the default 0 is used. If the property is not valid, 50 is used.
- (default: false)
When a CORBA SystemException reply is created, the ORB, by default, includes the Java™ stack trace of the exception in an associated ExceptionDetailMessage service context. If you set this property to any value, the ORB includes a toString of the Exception instead.
- (default: false)
The rmic tool automatically creates import statements in the classes that it generates. If set to true, this property causes rmic to report the mappings of fully qualified class names to short names.
- (default: false)
If this property is set to true, classes are generated with rmic using fully qualified names only.
- org.omg.CORBA.ORBId
Uniquely identifies an ORB in its address space. For example, the address space might be the server containing the ORB. The ID can be any String. The default value is a randomly generated number that is unique in the JVM of the ORB.
- org.omg.CORBA.ORBListenEndpoints
Identifies the set of endpoints on which the ORB listens for requests. Each endpoint consists of a host name or IP address, and optionally a port. The value you specify is a string of the form hostname:portnumber, where the :portnumber component is optional. IPv6 addresses must be surrounded by brackets (for example, [::1]:1020). Specify multiple endpoints in a comma-separated list.
Note: Some versions of the ORB support only the first endpoint in a multiple endpoint list.
If this property is not set, the port number is set to 0 and the host address is retrieved by calling InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(). If you specify only the host address, the port number is set to 0. If you want to set only the port number, you must also specify the host. You can specify the host name as the default host name of the ORB. The default host name is localhost.
- org.omg.CORBA.ORBServerId
Assign the same value for this property to all ORBs contained in the same server. It is included in all IORs exported by the server. The integer value is in the range 0 - 2147483647).
This table shows the Java properties defined by Oracle Corporation that are now deprecated, and the IBM properties that have replaced them. These properties are not OMG standard properties, despite their names:
Oracle Corporation property IBM property com.sun.CORBA.ORBServerHost com.sun.CORBA.ORBServerPort org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialServices
Parent: The ORB
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