IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Using diagnostic tools > Using dump agents
Dump events
Dump agents are triggered by events occurring during JVM operation.
Some events can be filtered to improve the relevance of the output. See filter option for more information.
Note: The gpf and abort events cannot trigger a heap dump, prepare the heap (request=prepwalk), or compact the heap (request=compact).
The following table shows events available as dump agent triggers:
Event Triggered when... Filter operation gpf A General Protection Fault (GPF) occurs. user The JVM receives the SIGQUIT (Linux, AIX, z/OS, and i5/OS™) or SIGBREAK (Windows) signal from the operating system. abort The JVM receives the SIGABRT signal from the operating system. vmstart The virtual machine is started. vmstop The virtual machine stops. Filters on exit code; for example, filter=#129..#192#-42#255 load A class is loaded. Filters on class name; for example, filter=java/lang/String unload A class is unloaded. throw An exception is thrown. Filters on exception class name; for example, filter=java/lang/OutOfMem* catch An exception is caught. Filters on exception class name; for example, filter=*Memory* uncaught A Java™ exception is not caught by the application. Filters on exception class name; for example, filter=*MemoryError systhrow A Java exception is about to be thrown by the JVM. This is different from the 'throw' event because it is only triggered for error conditions detected internally in the JVM. Filters on exception class name; for example, filter=java/lang/OutOfMem* thrstart A new thread is started. blocked A thread becomes blocked. thrstop A thread stops. fullgc A garbage collection cycle is started. slow A thread takes longer than 50ms to respond to an internal JVM request. Changes the time taken for an event to be considered slow; for example, filter=#300ms will trigger when a thread takes longer than 300ms to respond to an internal JVM request. allocation A Java object is allocated with a size matching the given filter specification Filters on object size; a filter must be supplied. For example, filter=#5m will trigger on objects larger than 5 Mb. Ranges are also supported; for example, filter=#256k..512k will trigger on objects between 256 Kb and 512 Kb in size. traceassert An internal error occurs in the JVM Not applicable. corruptcache The JVM finds that the shared class cache is corrupt. Not applicable. excessivegc
An excessive amount of time is being spent in the garbage collector
Not applicable.
Parent: Using dump agents
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