IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Developing Java applications > Using XML > XML reference information

XL XP-J reference information

XL XP-J 1.1 is a high-performance non-validating parser that provides support for StAX 1.0 (JSR 173). StAX is a bidirectional API for pull-parsing and streaming serialization of XML 1.0 and XML 1.1 documents.

Unsupported features

The following optional StAX features are not supported by XL XP-J:

XMLInputFactory reference

The implementation supports the following properties, as described in the XMLInputFactory Javadoc information:

Property name Supported? No. The XL XP-J scanner does not support validation. Yes, supports true and false. For XMLStreamReaders created from DOMSources, namespace processing depends on the methods that were used to create the DOM tree, and this value has no effect. Yes Yes. For XMLStreamReaders created from DOMSources, if entities have already been replaced in the DOM tree, setting this parameter has no effect. Yes

True is always supported. Setting the value to false works only if the system property is also set to false.

When both properties are set to false, parsers created by the factory throw an XMLStreamException when they encounter an entity reference that requires expansion. This setting is useful for protecting against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks involving entities declared in the DTD.

Setting the value to false does not work before Service Refresh 2. Yes Yes

XL XP-J also supports the optional method createXMLStreamReader(javax.xml.transform.Source), which allows StAX readers to be created from DOM and SAX sources.

XL XP-J also supports the property. If you set this property to true, XMLStreamReaders created by the factory return accurate line, column, and character information using Location objects. If you set this property to false, line, column, and character information is not available. By default, this property is set to false for performance reasons.

XMLStreamReader reference

The implementation supports the following properties, as described in the XMLStreamReader Javadoc:

Property name Supported? Yes Yes

XL XP-J also supports the property. This property returns a boolean value indicating whether or not XML names and namespace URIs returned by the API calls have been interned by the parser. This property is read-only.

XMLOutputFactory reference

The implementation supports the following properties, as described in the XMLOutputFactory Javadoc:

Property name Supported? Yes

XL XP-J also supports the property. If you set this property to true, XMLStreamWriters created by this factory are recycled when writeEndDocument() is called. After recycling, some XMLStreamWriter methods, such as getNamespaceContext(), must not be called. By default, XMLStreamWriters are recycled when close() is called. You must call the XMLStreamWriter.close() method when you have finished with an XMLStreamWriter, even if this property is set to true.

XMLStreamWriter reference

The implementation supports the following properties, as described in the XMLStreamWriter Javadoc:

Property name Supported? Yes

Properties on XMLStreamWriter objects are read-only.

XL XP-J also supports the property. This property returns a Boolean indicating whether calls to setPrefix() and setDefaultNamespace() should occur before calls to writeStartElement() or writeEmptyElement() to put a namespace prefix in scope for that element. XL XP-J always returns false; calls to setPrefix() and setDefaultNamespace() should occur after writeStartElement() or writeEmptyElement().

Parent: XML reference information

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