IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Using diagnostic tools > Using the Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability Interface > API calls provided by JVMRI


void JNICALL *DynamicVerbosegc (JNIEnv *env, int vgc_switch,
             int vgccon, char* file_path, int number_of_files,
             int number_of_cycles);   

Not supported. Displays the message "not supported".
  • A valid pointer to a JNIEnv.
  • Integer that indicates the direction of switch (JNI_TRUE = on, JNI_FALSE = off)
  • Integer that indicates the level of verbosegc (0 = -verbose:gc, 1 = -verbose:Xgccon)
  • Pointer to string that indicates file name for file redirection
  • Integer that indicates the number of files for redirection
  • Integer that indicates the number of cycles of verbose:gc per file


Parent: API calls provided by JVMRI

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