IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Using diagnostic tools > Using system dumps and the dump viewer > Using the dump viewer

jdmpview commands quick reference

A short list of the commands you use with jdmpview.

The following table shows the jdmpview - quick reference:

Command Sub-command Description
help   Displays a list of commands or help for a specific command.
  thread Displays information about Java™ and native threads.
  system Displays information about the system the core dump is from.
  class Displays the inheritance chain and other data for a given class.
  proc Displays threads, command line arguments, environment variables, and shared modules of current process.
  jitm Displays JIT compiled methods and their addresses.
  lock Displays a list of available monitors and locked objects.
  sym Displays a list of available modules.
  mmap Displays a list of all memory segments in the address space.
  heap Displays information about all heaps or the specified heap.
heapdump   Generates a Heapdump to a file. You can select which Java heaps should be dumped by listing the heap names, separated by spaces.
hexdump   Displays a section of memory in a hexdump-like format.
+   Displays the next section of memory in hexdump-like format.
-   Displays the previous section of memory in hexdump-like format.
whatis   Displays information about what is stored at the given memory address.
find   Searches memory for a given string.
findnext   Finds the next instance of the last string passed to "find".
findptr   Searches memory for the given pointer.
x/ (examine)   Examine works like x/ in gdb, including the use of defaults: passes the number of items to display and the unit size (

b for byte (8-bit),

h for half word (16-bit),

w for word (32-bit),

g for giant word (64-bit)) to the sub-command. For example x/12bd.

  J Displays information about a particular object or all objects of a class.
  D Displays the integer at the specified address.
  X Displays the hex value of the bytes at the specified address.
  K Displays the specified memory section as if it were a stack frame.
deadlock   Displays information about deadlocks if there are any set.
set heapdump   Configures Heapdump generation settings.
set logging   Configures logging settings, starts logging, or stops logging. This allows the results of commands to be logged to a file.
show heapdump   Displays the current values of heapdump settings.
show logging   Displays the current values of logging settings.
cd   Changes the current working directory, used for log files.
pwd   Displays the current working directory.
quit   Exits the core file viewing tool; any log files that are currently open are closed before the tool exits.

Parent: Using the dump viewer

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