IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Using diagnostic tools > Using Javadump > Interpreting a Javadump

Class loaders and Classes (CLASSES)

An example of the classloader (CLASSES) section that includes Classloader summaries and Classloader loaded classes. Classloader summaries are the defined class loaders and the relationship between them. Classloader loaded classes are the classes that are loaded by each class loader.

See Class loading for information about the parent-delegation model.

In this example, there are the standard three class loaders:

The example that follows shows this relationship. Take the application class loader with the full name sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader. Under Classloader summaries, it has flags -----ta-, which show that the class loader is t=trusted and a=application (See the example for information on class loader flags). It gives the number of loaded classes (1) and the parent class loader as sun/misc/Launcher$ExtClassLoader.

Under the ClassLoader loaded classes heading, you can see that the application class loader has loaded three classes, one called Test at address 0x41E6CFE0.

In this example, the System class loader has loaded a large number of classes, which provide the basic set from which all applications derive.

CLASSES subcomponent dump routine
Classloader summaries
        12345678: 1=primordial,2=extension,3=shareable,4=middleware,
        p---st--        Loader *System*(0x00439130)
                        Number of loaded libraries 5
                        Number of loaded classes 306
                        Number of shared classes 306
        -x--st--        Loader sun/misc/Launcher$ExtClassLoader(0x004799E8),
                        Parent *none*(0x00000000)
                        Number of loaded classes 0
        -----ta-        Loader sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader(0x00484AD8),
                        Parent sun/misc/Launcher$ExtClassLoader(0x004799E8)
                        Number of loaded classes 1
ClassLoader loaded classes
Loader *System*(0x00439130)
    << 301 classes removed for clarity >>
Loader sun/misc/Launcher$ExtClassLoader(0x004799E8)
Loader sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader(0x00484AD8)

Parent: Interpreting a Javadump

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