IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Using diagnostic tools > Using dump agents > Advanced control of dump agents
defaults option
Each dump type has default options. To view the default options for a particular dump type, use -Xdump:<type>:defaults.
You can change the default options at run time. For example, you can direct Javaâ„¢ dump files into a separate directory for each process, and guarantee unique files by adding a sequence number to the file name using:
This option does not add a Javadump agent; it updates the default settings for Javadump agents. Further Javadump agents will then create dump files using this specification for filenames, unless overridden.
Note: Changing the defaults for a dump type will also affect the default agents for that dump type added by the JVM during initialization. For example if you change the default file name for Javadumps, that will change the file name used by the default Javadump agents. However, changing the default range option will not change the range used by the default Javadump agents, because those agents override the range option with specific values.
Parent: Advanced control of dump agents
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