IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Using diagnostic tools > Using system dumps and the dump viewer > Using the dump viewer

Dump viewer example

C:\test>jdmpview -core core.20121113.171508.4076.0001.dmp
DTFJView version 4.26.58, using DTFJ version 1.10.26067
Loading image from DTFJ...

For a list of commands, type "help"; for how to use "help", type "help help"
Available contexts (* = currently selected context) :

Source : file:///C:/test/core.20121113.171508.4076.0001.dmp
        *0 : PID: 4076 : JRE 1.7.0 Windows 7 amd64-64 build 20121109_127969 (pwa6470sr4-20121112_02(SR4) )

> help
+                              Display the next section of memory in hexdump-like format 
-                              Display the previous section of memory in hexdump-like format 
cd                             Change the current working directory, used for log files 
close [context id]             Close the connection to a core file
context [ID|asid ID]           Switch to the selected context
deadlock                       Display information about deadlocks if there are any
exit                           Exit the application 
find                           Search memory for a given string
findnext                       Find the next instance of the last string passed to "find"
findptr                        Search memory for the given pointer
heapdump                       Generate a PHD or classic format heapdump
help [command name]            Display list of commands or help for a specific command
hexdump                        Output a section of memory in a hexdump-like format 
info <component>         Information about the specified component
info class <class_name>  Provide information about the specified Java class 
info heap [*|heap name]        Display information about Java heaps
info jitm                      Display JIT'ed methods and their addresses
info lock                      output a list of system monitors and locked objects
info mmap                      Output a list of all memory segments in the address space
info mod                       Output module information 
info proc                      Shorten form of info process
info process                   Display threads, command line arguments, environment
info sym                       An alias for 'mod'
info sys                       Shortened form of info system 
info system                    Display information about the system the core dump is from
info thread                    Display information about Java and native threads
log [name level]               Display and control instances of java.util.logging.Logger
open [path to core or zip]     open the specified core or zip file
plugins                        Plugin management commands
   list             Show the list of loaded plugins for the current context
          reload    Reload plugins for the current context
        showpath    Show the DTFJ View plugin search path for the current context
         setpath    Set the DTFJ View plugin search path for the current context
pwd                 display the current working directory 
quit                Exit the application 
set [logging|heapdump]   Sets options for the specified command
set heapdump        Configure heapdump format, filename and multiple heap support 
set logging         Configure several logging-related parameters, starts/stops logging
     on       turn on logging
    off       turn off logging
   file       turn on logging
   overwrite  controls the overwriting of log files 
show [logging|heapdump]   Display the current set options for a command
show heapdump             Display heapdump settings 
show logging              Show the current logging options 
whatis [hex address]      Give information about what is stored at the given memory address 
x/d <hex address>   Display the integer at the specified address 
x/j <object address> [class name] Display information about a particular object or all objects of a class 
x/k <hex address>   Display the specified memory section as if it were a stack frame parameters
x/x <hex address>   Display the hex value of the bytes at the specified address 

> set logging file log.txt
logging turned on; outputting to "C:\test\log.txt"

> info system

Machine OS:     Windows 7
Machine name:   JTCtestWS
Machine IP address(es):
System memory:  5072277504

Java version:
JRE 1.7.0 Windows 7 amd64-64 build 20121109_127969 (pwa6470sr4-20121112_02(SR4) )

> info thread *
native threads for address space
 process id: 4696

  thread id: 4296
    cs     = 0x0000000000000033   ds     = 0x000000000000002b   es     = 0x000000000000002b   fs     = 0x0000000000000053
    gs     = 0x000000000000002b   ss     = 0x000000000000002b   flags  = 0x0000000000200246   rax    = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx    = 0x8000000000000000   rdx    = 0x00000000024de630   rbx    = 0x0000000000000000   rsp    = 0x00000000024de698
    rbp    = 0x0000000000000000   rsi    = 0x00000000ffffffff   rdi    = 0x0000000000000294   r8     = 0x0000000000000000
    r9     = 0x0000000000000000   r10    = 0x0000000000000000   r11    = 0x00000000024de632   r12    = 0x0000000000000000
    r13    = 0x00000000024dea30   r14    = 0x000007fef37f4560   r15    = 0x00000000003ee3c0   rip    = 0x0000000076f5135a
   native stack sections:
    0x24de698 to 0x24e0000 (length 0x1968)
   native stack frames:
    bp: 0x00000000024de698 pc: 0x0000000076f5135a C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll::NtWaitForSingleObject+0xa
    bp: 0x00000000024de6a0 pc: 0x000007fefd4110dc C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll::WaitForSingleObjectEx+0x9c
    bp: 0x00000000024de740 pc: 0x000007fef68e9f8b c:\build\pwa6470sr4-20121112\sdk\jre\bin\compressedrefs\j9prt26.dll::[dump_create]+0x2ab
    bp: 0x00000000024de7e0 pc: 0x000007fef37f4855 c:\build\pwa6470sr4-20121112\sdk\jre\bin\compressedrefs\j9dmp26.dll+0x4855
    bp: 0x00000000024de840 pc: 0x000007fef68f2001 c:\build\pwa6470sr4-20121112\sdk\jre\bin\compressedrefs\j9prt26.dll::[sig_protect]+0x1b1
    bp: 0x00000000024de9f0 pc: 0x000007fef37f5c2f c:\build\pwa6470sr4-20121112\sdk\jre\bin\compressedrefs\j9dmp26.dll+0x5c2f
    bp: 0x00000000024dea60 pc: 0x000007fef37f5efc c:\build\pwa6470sr4-20121112\sdk\jre\bin\compressedrefs\j9dmp26.dll+0x5efc
    bp: 0x00000000024def00 pc: 0x000007fef37f62ae c:\build\pwa6470sr4-20121112\sdk\jre\bin\compressedrefs\j9dmp26.dll+0x62ae
    bp: 0x00000000024defa0 pc: 0x000007fef380519a c:\build\pwa6470sr4-20121112\sdk\jre\bin\compressedrefs\j9dmp26.dll::[triggerOneOffDump]+0xba
    bp: 0x00000000024df030 
      pc: 0x000007fef350c6f1 c:\build\pwa6470sr4-20121112\sdk\jre\bin\compressedrefs\j9vm26.dll::[VMprJavaSendNative]+0x5a1
    priority: 0
    priorityClass: 32
   associated Java thread:
    name: main
    Thread object: java/lang/Thread @ 0x22ba5960
    Priority:      5
    Thread.State:  RUNNABLE
    Java stack frames:
     bp: 0x0000000022c33eb8  method: void com/ibm/jvm/Dump.SystemDumpImpl()  (Native Method)
      objects: <no objects in this frame>
     bp: 0x0000000022c33ed0  method: void com/ibm/jvm/Dump.SystemDump()  source:
      objects: <no objects in this frame>
     bp: 0x0000000022c33ef8  method: void mySystemDump.main(String[])  source:
      objects: <no objects in this frame>

   thread id: 4872
    cs     = 0x0000000000000033   ds     = 0x000000000000002b   es     = 0x000000000000002b   fs     = 0x0000000000000053
    gs     = 0x000000000000002b   ss     = 0x000000000000002b   flags  = 0x0000000000000246   rax    = 0x0000000000000003
    rcx    = 0x00000000004a88e0   rdx    = 0x0000000022b84020   rbx    = 0x0000000000000000   rsp    = 0x000000002fb6ef78
    rbp    = 0x000000002fb6f4a0   rsi    = 0x00000000ffffffff   rdi    = 0x0000000000000274   r8     = 0x0000000022b90000
    r9     = 0x0000000000000000   r10    = 0x000007fef16dbd28   r11    = 0x0000000000000010   r12    = 0x0000000000000000
    r13    = 0x000007fef47594b8   r14    = 0x000007fef3579f60   r15    = 0x000000002fb6f050   rip    = 0x0000000076f5135a
   native stack sections:
    0x2fb6ef78 to 0x2fb70000 (length 0x1088)
   native stack frames:
    bp: 0x000000002fb6ef78 pc: 0x0000000076f5135a C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll::NtWaitForSingleObject+0xa
    bp: 0x000000002fb6ef80 pc: 0x000007fefd4110dc C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll::WaitForSingleObjectEx+0x9c
    bp: 0x000000002fb6f020 
       pc: 0x000007fef475958c c:\build\pwa6470sr4-20121112\sdk\jre\bin\java.dll::Java_com_ibm_misc_SignalDispatcher_waitForSignal+0xd4
    bp: 0x000000002fb6f050 
       pc: 0x000007fef350c8c5 c:\build\pwa6470sr4-20121112\sdk\jre\bin\compressedrefs\j9vm26.dll::[VMprJavaSendNative]+0x775
    priority: 0
    priorityClass: 32
   associated Java thread:
    name: Signal Dispatcher
    Thread object: com/ibm/misc/SignalDispatcher @ 0x22ba4d88
    Priority:      5
    Thread.State:  RUNNABLE
    Java stack frames:
     bp: 0x0000000022c14c90  method: int com/ibm/misc/SignalDispatcher.waitForSignal()  (Native Method)
      objects: <no objects in this frame>
     bp: 0x0000000022c14cd0  method: void com/ibm/misc/  source:
      objects: 0x22ba5c90 0x22ba5c90
===Lines Removed===

> info heap *

         Heap #1:  Generational@48ff70
 Section #1:  Heap extent at 0x2c10000 (0x300000 bytes)
  Size:        3145728 bytes
  Shared:      false
  Executable:  true
  Read Only:   false
 Section #2:  Heap extent at 0x22b10000 (0x80000 bytes)
  Size:        524288 bytes
  Shared:      false
  Executable:  true
  Read Only:   false
 Section #3:  Heap extent at 0x22b90000 (0x80000 bytes)
  Size:        524288 bytes
  Shared:      false
  Executable:  true
  Read Only:   false

> info class java/lang/String
name = java/lang/String

        ID = 0x22c25d00    superID = 0x22c1d100
        classLoader = 0x22b907c0    modifiers: public final

        number of instances:     2311
        total size of instances: 55464 bytes

Inheritance chain....



 static fields for "java/lang/String"
   private static final long serialVersionUID = -6849794470754667710 (0xa0f0a4387a3bb342)
   public static final java.util.Comparator CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER = <object> @ 0x22b903a8
   private static final char[] ascii = <object> @ 0x22b903b8
   private static String[] stringArray = <object> @ 0x22b904c0
   private static final int stringArraySize = 10 (0xa)
   static boolean enableCopy = false
   private static int seed = -1278354118 (0xffffffffb3cddd3a)
   private static char[] startCombiningAbove = <object> @ 0x2c10a78
   private static char[] endCombiningAbove = <object> @ 0x2c10af8
   private static final char[] upperValues = <object> @ 0x2c10b78
   private static final[] serialPersistentFields = <object> @ 0x22b904f0

 non-static fields for "java/lang/String"
   private final char[] value    private final int offset
   private final int count
   private int hashCode
   private int hashCode32


Bytecode range(s): :  private static native int getSeed()
Bytecode range(s): 3002c110 -- 3002c126:  public void <init>()
Bytecode range(s): 3002c150 -- 3002c195:  private void <init>(String, char)
Bytecode range(s): 3002c1d8 -- 3002c1e1:  public void <init>(byte[])
Bytecode range(s): 3002c208 -- 3002c212:  public void <init>(byte[], int)
Bytecode range(s): 3002c244 -- 3002c27d:  public void <init>(byte[], int, int)
Bytecode range(s): 3002c2c0 -- 3002c32d:  public void <init>(byte[], int, int, int)
===Lines Removed===

> whatis  0x22b904c0
        heap #1 - name: Generational@48ff70
       0x22b904c0 is within heap segment: 22b90000 -- 22c10000
       0x22b904c0 is the start of an object of type [Ljava/lang/String;

Parent: Using the dump viewer

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