IBM User Guide for Java V7 on Windows > Troubleshooting and support > Using diagnostic tools > Garbage Collector diagnostic data > Verbose garbage collection logging

Garbage collection initialization

When garbage collection is initialized, verbose logging generates output showing the garbage collection options in force.

The first tag shown in the output is the <initialized> tag, which is followed by values that include an id and timestamp. The information shown in the <initialized> section includes the garbage collection policy, the policy options, and any JVM command-line options that are in effect at the time.

<initialized id="1" timestamp="2010-11-23T00:41:32.328">
  <attribute name="gcPolicy" value="-Xgcpolicy:gencon" />
  <attribute name="maxHeapSize" value="0x5fcf0000" />
  <attribute name="initialHeapSize" value="0x400000" />
  <attribute name="compressedRefs" value="false" />
  <attribute name="pageSize" value="0x1000" />
  <attribute name="requestedPageSize" value="0x1000" />
  <attribute name="gcthreads" value="2" />
    <attribute name="physicalMemory" value="3214884864" />
    <attribute name="numCPUs" value="2" />
    <attribute name="architecture" value="x86" />
    <attribute name="os" value="Windows XP" />
    <attribute name="osVersion" value="5.1" />
    <vmarg name="-Xoptionsfile=C:\jvmwi3270\jre\bin\default\options.default" />
    <vmarg name="-Xlockword:mode=default,noLockword=java/lang/String,noLockword=
     java/util/MapEntry,noLockword=java/util/HashMap$Entry,noLockword..." />
    <vmarg name="-XXgc:numaCommonThreadClass=java/lang/UNIXProcess$*" />
    <vmarg name="-Xjcl:jclscar_26" />
    <vmarg name="\jvmwi3270\jre\bin\
     default;C:\jvmwi3270\jre\bin" />
    <vmarg name="-Dsun.boot.library.path=C:\jvmwi3270\jre\bin\default;C:\
     jvmwi3270\jre\bin" />
    <vmarg name="-Djava.library.path=C:\jvmwi3270\jre\bin\default;C:\
     jvmwi3270\jre\bin;.;c:\pwi3260\jre\bin;c:\pwi3260\bin;C:\WINDOWS\syst..." />
    <vmarg name="-Djava.home=C:\jvmwi3270\jre" />
    <vmarg name="-Djava.ext.dirs=C:\jvmwi3270\jre\lib\ext" />
    <vmarg name="-Duser.dir=C:\jvmwi3270\jre\bin" />
    <vmarg name="_j2se_j9=1119744" value="7FA9CEF8" />
    <vmarg name="-Dconsole.encoding=Cp437" />
    <vmarg name="-Djava.class.path=." />
    <vmarg name="-verbose:gc" />
    <vmarg name="" />
    <vmarg name="" />
    <vmarg name="_port_library" value="7FA9C5D0" />
    <vmarg name="_bfu_java" value="7FA9D9BC" />
    <vmarg name="_org.apache.harmony.vmi.portlib" value="000AB078" />

Parent: Verbose garbage collection logging

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