1. 2.3.2 Create a portal project
  2. 2.3.3 Add and modify a portal page
  3. 2.3.4 Create and modify two portlets
  4. 2.3.5 Add portlets to a portal page
  5. 2.3.6 Run the project in the test environment
  6. Chapter 3. Portlet development platform sample installation
  7. 3.1 Prerequisites
  8. 3.1.1 Hardware requirements
  9. 3.1.2 Software requirements
  10. 3.2 Rational Application Developer and Portal Tools
  11. 3.3 WebSphere Portal V5.1 Test Environment
  12. 3.4 Configuration of the Test Environment
  13. 3.5 WebSphere Test Environment V5.1 (optional)
  14. 4.1 Portlet container
  15. 4.2 IBM portlet application
  16. 4.3 Servlets versus portlets
  17. 4.4 Portlet modes
  18. 4.5 Portlet states
  19. 4.6 Core objects
  20. 4.6.1 Hierarchy
  21. 4.6.2 Portlet
  22. 4.6.3 PortletAdapter
  23. 4.6.4 PortletRequest
  24. 4.6.5 PortletResponse
  25. 4.6.6 PortletSession object
  26. 4.6.7 Client
  27. 4.6.8 PortletConfig object
  28. 4.6.9 PortletContext object
  29. 4.6.10 PortletSettings object
  30. 4.6.11 PortletApplicationSettings object
  31. 4.6.12 PortletData object
  32. 4.6.13 PortletLog object
  33. 4.6.14 PortletException
  34. 4.6.15 UnavailableException
  35. 4.6.16 PortletWindow object
  36. 4.6.17 User object
  37. 4.6.18 PortletURI
  38. 4.7 Portlet life cycle
  39. 4.8 Listeners
  40. 4.8.1 PortletTitleListener
  41. 4.8.2 PortletPageListener
  42. 4.8.3 PortletSessionListener
  43. 4.8.4 WindowListener
  44. 4.8.5 PortletSettingsAttributeListener
  45. 4.8.6 PortletApplicationSettingsAttributesListener
  46. 4.9 Action event handling
  47. 4.9.1 ActionListener
  48. 4.9.2 ActionEvent
  49. 4.9.3 PortletURI
  50. 4.9.4 ModeModifier
  51. 4.10 Attribute storage summary
  52. 4.11 Portlet JSPs
  53. 4.11.1 Portlet tag library
  54. 4.11.2 Portlet events and messaging
  55. 4.12 Portlet deployment
  56. 4.12.1 web.xml
  57. 4.12.2 portlet.xml
  58. 4.12.3 Parameter summary
  59. 4.12.4 Descriptors relationship (web.xml and portlet.xml)
  60. 4.12.5 UID guidelines
  61. 4.13 Resources
  62. Chapter 5. A first portlet application
  63. 5.1 Sample scenario
  64. 5.2 Create the portlet project
  65. 5.2.1 Using the Portlet Project wizard
  66. 5.3 Configure the test environment
  67. 5.4 Run the portlet project
  68. 5.5 Modify the portlet project and verifying changes
  69. 5.5.1 Change the JSP used for the View mode
  70. 5.5.2 Add a JavaBean
  71. Chapter 6. IBM Portlet API portlet development
  72. 6.1 About action events
  73. 6.2 Development scenario
  74. 6.3 Create the portlet project
  75. 6.4 Configure your project in the test environment
  76. 6.5 Examining and modify the source code
  77. 6.6 Run your project in the test environment
  78. Chapter 7. Portlet messaging
  79. 7.1 Portlet messaging
  80. 7.2 MessageListener
  81. 7.3 MessageEvent
  82. 7.4 DefaultPortletMessage
  83. 7.5 PortletMessage
  84. 7.6 Sample scenario
  85. 7.6.1 Description
  86. 7.6.2 Sending a message
  87. 7.6.3 Create the target portlet
  88. 7.6.4 Run the portlet application
  89. 7.7 Broadcasting messages
  90. Chapter 8. JSR 168 API
  91. 8.1 JSR overview
  92. 8.1.1 Number of portlet instances
  93. 8.1.2 Portlet windows
  94. 8.1.3 Thread safety
  95. 8.2 JSR 168 comparison to servlets
  96. 8.3 JSR 168 portlet modes
  97. 8.4 JSR 168 Portlet window states
  98. 8.5 Core JSR 168 objects
  99. 8.5.1 interface javax.portlet.Portlet
  100. 8.5.2 class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
  101. 8.5.3 interface javax.portlet.PortletURL
  102. 8.5.4 interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
  103. 8.5.5 interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
  104. 8.5.6 interface javax.portlet.ActionRequest
  105. 8.5.7 interface javax.portlet.RenderRequest
  106. 8.5.8 interface javax.portlet.PortletResponse
  107. 8.5.9 interface javax.portlet.ActionResponse
  108. 8.5.10 interface javax.portlet.RenderResponse
  109. 8.5.11 interface javax.portlet.PortalContext
  110. 8.5.12 interface javax.portlet.PortletPreferences
  111. 8.5.13 interface javax.portlet.PreferencesValidator
  112. 8.5.14 interface javax.portlet.PortletConfig
  113. 8.5.15 interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
  114. 8.6 JSR 168 Portlet life cycle
  115. 8.6.1 Instantiation
  116. 8.6.2 Initialization
  117. 8.6.3 Request handling
  118. 8.6.4 End of service
  119. 8.7 Portlet caching
  120. 8.7.1 Remote cache
  121. 8.8 Listeners
  122. 8.8.1 HttpSessionBindingListener
  123. 8.8.2 ServletContextListener
  124. 8.8.3 ServletContextAttributeListener
  125. 8.8.4 HttpSessionListener
  126. 8.8.5 HttpSessionAttributeListener
  127. 8.9 Deployment descriptors
  128. 8.9.1 Portlet.xml declaration
  129. 8.9.2 portlet-app -
  130. 8.9.3 portlet
  131. 8.9.4 custom-portlet-mode
  132. 8.9.5 custom-window-state
  133. 8.9.6 user-attribute
  134. 8.9.7 security-constraint
  135. 8.10 JSR 168 limitations in WebSphere Portal
  136. Chapter 9. JSR 168 portlet development
  137. 9.1 Overview
  138. 9.2 Create a JSR 168 portlet project
  139. 9.2.1 Create a basic JSR 168 portlet
  140. 9.2.2 Examining the generated portlet
  141. 9.3 Update the generated portlet
  142. 9.3.1 Modify the session bean
  143. 9.3.2 View mode
  144. 9.3.3 Edit mode
  145. 9.3.4 Configure mode
  146. 9.3.5 Update the portlet descriptor (portlet.xml)
  147. 9.3.6 Modify the MySimplePortletPortletPreferenceValidator class
  148. 9.4 Run the portlet
  149. 9.4.1 Executing the portlet
  150. Chapter 10. Migrating to JSR 168
  151. 10.1 Modify the deployment descriptor
  152. 10.1.1 doctype
  153. 10.1.2 portlet-app
  154. 10.1.3 concrete-portlet-app
  155. 10.1.4 portlet
  156. 10.1.5 portlet-name
  157. 10.1.6 web.xml
  158. 10.1.7 cache
  159. 10.1.8 supports
  160. 10.1.9 allows
  161. 10.1.10 config-param
  162. 10.1.11 Locale settings
  163. 10.2 Modify the Java source
  164. 10.2.1 Package
  165. 10.2.2 Superclass
  166. 10.2.3 doXXX methods
  167. 10.2.4 actionPerformed
  168. 10.2.5 ActionEvent
  169. 10.2.6 Logging
  170. 10.2.7 JSP includes
  171. 10.2.8 PortletData and PortletSettings
  172. 10.2.9 namespace
  173. 10.2.10 portlet URLs
  174. 10.3 Modify the JSP source
  175. 10.3.1 taglib
  176. 10.3.2 portletAPI:init
  177. 10.3.3 namespace
  178. 10.3.4 Create URLs
  179. 10.3.5 portletAPI:text
  180. 10.3.6 encodeURL
  181. 10.3.7 CSS
  182. 10.4 Struts
  183. 10.5 JSF
  184. 10.6 Portlet services
  185. 10.7 Messaging
  186. Chapter 11. Using JSPs and servlets
  187. 11.1 Overview
  188. 11.1.1 Generating output
  189. 11.2 RequestDispatcher
  190. 11.2.1 PortletContext.getRequestDispatcher
  191. 11.2.2 PortletContext.getNamedDispatcher
  192. 11.2.3 PortletRequestDispatcher.include
  193. 11.3 JSP tags
  194. 11.3.1 defineObjects
  195. 11.3.2 renderURL
  196. 11.3.3 actionURL
  197. 11.3.4 namespace
  198. 11.3.5 param
  199. 11.3.6 IBM tags
  200. 11.3.7 JSTL
  201. 11.4 Cascading style sheets (CSS)
  202. 11.4.1 WSRP Styles
  203. 11.4.2 IBM styles
  204. Chapter 12. Internationalization
  205. 12.1 Resource bundles
  206. 12.1.1 Create resource bundles in Rational Application Developer
  207. 12.1.2 Translating resource bundles
  208. 12.1.3 Accessing resource bundles in portlets
  209. 12.1.4 Accessing resource bundles in JSPs
  210. 12.2 Translating whole resources
  211. 12.3 JSR 168 API considerations
  212. 12.4 Dynamically changing the language
  213. 12.5 NLS administration
  214. 12.5.1 Portlet NLS administration
  215. 12.5.2 Portal NLS administration
  216. 12.5.3 Setting NLS titles
  217. 12.5.4 Supporting a new language
  218. 12.6 Working with characters
  219. 12.7 NLS best practices
  220. 12.8 Sample scenario: NLS bundles
  221. 12.8.1 NLS bundles
  222. 12.8.2 Accessing NLS bundles from JSPs
  223. 12.8.3 Run the NLS scenario
  224. 12.8.4 Accessing NLS bundles in Java portlets
  225. 12.9 Sample scenario: translating whole resources
  226. 12.10 Dynamically changing the language
  227. Chapter 13. Struts portlets
  228. 13.1 Overview
  229. 13.2 The Struts portlet framework
  230. 13.2.1 Struts applications
  231. 13.2.2 Changes to Struts JSPs
  232. 13.2.3 Configuration files
  233. 13.2.4 Create link tags in Struts
  234. Chapter 14. Create Struts portlets with the IBM Portlet API
  235. 14.1 Overview
  236. 14.2 Create Struts applications with IBM portlet API
  237. 14.2.1 Create a Portlet project
  238. 14.2.2 Inspecting the Struts portlet project
  239. 14.2.3 Designing the application
  240. 14.2.4 Realizing the application components
  241. 14.2.5 Add logging support
  242. 14.2.6 Add support to Edit mode
  243. 14.2.7 Realizing the new application components
  244. 14.2.8 Add internationalization support
  245. 14.3 Messaging
  246. 14.4 Migration
  247. Chapter 15. Struts portlet development using the JSR 168 API
  248. 15.1 Overview
  249. 15.2 Message flow
  250. 15.3 Create a Portlet project
  251. 15.3.1 Inspecting the Struts portlet project
  252. 15.4 Designing the application (View mode)
  253. 15.4.1 Realizing the application components
  254. 15.4.2 Realizing the index.jsp page
  255. 15.4.3 Realizing the notConfigured.jsp
  256. 15.4.4 Realizing the Form Bean
  257. 15.4.5 Realizing configured.jsp
  258. 15.4.6 Editing the resources file
  259. 15.4.7 Realizing the welcome action mapping
  260. 15.4.8 Run the Struts portlet
  261. 15.5 Designing the application (Edit mode)
  262. 15.6 Realizing the Edit mode application components
  263. 15.6.1 Realizing the editBean
  264. 15.6.2 Realizing index.jsp
  265. 15.6.3 Realizing the saveConfiguration action
  266. 15.7 Add new keys to the resources file
  267. 15.8 Run the portlet
  268. 15.9 Add internationalization support
  269. 15.9.1 Portlet application View mode internationalization
  270. 15.9.2 Struts framework internationalization support
  271. 15.9.3 Editing the Portlet deployment descriptor
  272. 15.9.4 Test the new locale
  273. 15.10 Add logging support to the application
  274. Chapter 16. JavaServer Faces portlets
  275. 16.1 Overview
  276. 16.1.1 Life cycle of a JSF page
  277. 16.2 A simple JSF application
  278. 16.2.1 Create the pages
  279. 16.2.2 Define navigation rules
  280. 16.2.3 Developing the beans
  281. 16.3 User interface component model
  282. 16.3.1 User interface component classes
  283. 16.3.2 Component rendering model
  284. 16.3.3 Conversion model
  285. 16.3.4 Event and listener model
  286. 16.3.5 Validation model
  287. 16.4 Navigation model
  288. 16.5 Backing bean management
  289. 16.6 JSF in portlets
  290. 16.6.1 JSF portlet runtime
  291. 16.6.2 Mapping between portlet phases and JSF phases
  292. 16.6.3 Welcome page and navigation in JSF portlets
  293. 16.6.4 Programming guidelines
  294. 16.6.5 Limitations in JSF portlets
  295. 16.7 Migration
  296. Chapter 17. JavaServer Faces portlet development
  297. 17.1 The calculator application
  298. 17.2 Create the project
  299. 17.2.1 Inspecting the JSF portlet project
  300. 17.3 Create the page layout
  301. 17.4 Implementing component attributes and validation
  302. 17.4.1 Test the validation
  303. 17.5 Binding the front end to the calculator
  304. 17.5.1 Test the binding
  305. 17.6 Invoking the business logic of the calculator
  306. 17.6.1 Implementing an error page
  307. 17.7 Implementing page navigation
  308. 17.8 Implementing a validator
  309. 17.9 Implementing a value change event
  310. 17.10 Implementing internationalization
  311. 17.10.1 Internationalization of standard validator messages
  312. Chapter 18. Additional Faces portlet sample scenarios
  313. 18.1 The call center application
  314. 18.1.1 Create the project
  315. 18.1.2 Create the page layout
  316. 18.1.3 Define a parameter for the list
  317. 18.1.4 Create a detail portlet
  318. 18.1.5 Linking the portlets
  319. 18.1.6 Test the application
  320. 18.2 The Web service client portlet
  321. 18.2.1 Create the project
  322. 18.2.2 Create a new Web service client
  323. 18.2.3 Create the page layout
  324. 18.2.4 Test the application
  325. Chapter 19. Portlet services
  326. 19.1 Portlet services
  327. 19.1.1 ContentAccessService
  328. 19.1.2 Custom services
  329. 19.2 Accessing portlet services
  330. 19.2.1 Accessing a portlet service in an IBM portlet
  331. 19.2.2 Accessing a portlet service in a JSR 168 portlet
  332. Chapter 20. Credential Vault Service
  333. 20.1 Overview
  334. 20.1.1 Credentials
  335. 20.2 Credential Vault organization
  336. 20.2.1 Vault segments
  337. 20.2.2 Credential slots
  338. 20.3 Working with the CredentialVaultService
  339. 20.3.1 Acquiring a reference to the CredentialVaultService
  340. 20.3.2 Using the CredentialVaultService
  341. 20.4 Credential objects
  342. 20.4.1 Passive credential objects
  343. 20.4.2 Active credential objects
  344. 20.4.3 Storing credential objects in the PortletSession
  345. Chapter 21. The Credential Vault
  346. 21.1 Sample scenario
  347. 21.2 Import a secure servlet application
  348. 21.3 Using active credentials
  349. 21.3.1 Create the Credential Vault portlet application
  350. 21.3.2 Reviewing the generated code
  351. 21.3.3 Update the generated portlet
  352. 21.3.4 Run the portlet
  353. 21.4 Using passive credentials
  354. Chapter 22. Accessing JDBC databases from portlet applications
  355. 22.1 Create a portlet project
  356. 22.1.1 Create HRPortlet
  357. 22.2 Create a sample database
  358. 22.2.1 Create the WSSAMPLE database
  359. 22.2.2 Create a connection
  360. 22.2.3 Create an SQL statement
  361. 22.2.4 Generating Java classes
  362. 22.3 Sample scenario
  363. 22.3.1 Overview
  364. 22.3.2 Import the WAR file
  365. 22.3.3 Reviewing the portlet code
  366. 22.3.4 Run the HRPortlet application
  367. Chapter 23. Accessing JDBC databases using Data Source in standard portlets
  368. 23.1 Data Source overview
  369. 23.2 Create a JSR 168 portlet project
  370. 23.2.1 Create HRPortlet
  371. 23.3 Create a sample database
  372. 23.3.1 Create a connection
  373. 23.3.2 Create an SQL statement
  374. 23.3.3 Generating Java classes
  375. 23.4 Sample scenario
  376. 23.4.1 Overview
  377. 23.4.2 Import the WAR file
  378. 23.4.3 Reviewing the portlet code
  379. 23.4.4 Create the Data Source
  380. 23.4.5 Run the HRPortlet168 application
  381. Chapter 24. IBM API declarative cooperative portlets
  382. 24.1 Overview
  383. 24.1.1 The WebSphere Portal property broker
  384. 24.1.2 Property broker runtime components
  385. 24.2 IBM Portlets for cooperation
  386. 24.2.1 Registering and publishing properties
  387. 24.2.2 Struts integration
  388. 24.2.3 Internationalization
  389. 24.3 Sample scenario (IBM portlets)
  390. 24.3.1 Description
  391. 24.3.2 Source cooperative portlet
  392. 24.3.3 Target cooperative portlet
  393. 24.3.4 Run the cooperative portlets
  394. Chapter 25. IBM API programmatic cooperative portlets
  395. 25.1 Publishing properties programmatically
  396. 25.2 Portlet event handling
  397. 25.2.1 PropertyListener interface
  398. 25.2.2 EventPhaseListener interface
  399. 25.3 Broadcasting source data
  400. 25.4 Wiring tool
  401. 25.5 Sample scenario
  402. 25.5.1 Declarative source cooperative portlet
  403. 25.5.2 Enabling the portlet for target C2A programmatic
  404. 25.5.3 Run the cooperative portlets
  405. 25.5.4 Wire portlets
  406. 25.5.5 Enabling HRPortlet for programmatic source C2A
  407. 25.5.6 Run the programmatic source portlet
  408. Chapter 26. JSR 168 cooperative portlets
  409. 26.1 Overview
  410. 26.2 Source cooperative portlet
  411. 26.2.1 Import the HRPortlet168 portlet
  412. 26.2.2 Internationalization
  413. 26.2.3 Declaring exchange capabilities using WSDL
  414. 26.2.4 Update the portlet deployment descriptor
  415. 26.2.5 Update the HRPortlet168 portlet code
  416. 26.2.6 Update the JSP to generate a link
  417. 26.3 Target cooperative portlet
  418. 26.3.1 Internationalization
  419. 26.3.2 Declaring exchange capabilities using WSDL
  420. 26.3.3 Update the portlet deployment descriptor
  421. 26.4 Run the cooperative portlets
  422. 26.4.1 Populating the sample database
  423. 26.4.2 Create a data source
  424. 26.4.3 Run and wiring the cooperative portlets
  425. Chapter 27. Struts cooperative portlets
  426. 27.1 Overview
  427. 27.2 Source cooperative portlet
  428. 27.2.1 Import the Echo portlet
  429. 27.2.2 Declaring exchange capabilities using WSDL
  430. 27.2.3 Update the portlet deployment descriptor
  431. 27.2.4 Update the EchoSource portlet code
  432. 27.2.5 Internationalization
  433. 27.3 Target cooperative portlet
  434. 27.3.1 Import the Echo portlet
  435. 27.3.2 Declaring exchange capabilities using WSDL
  436. 27.3.3 Update the EchoTarget portlet code
  437. 27.3.4 Internationalization
  438. 27.4 Run the cooperative portlets
  439. Chapter 28. Accessing Web Services from portlet applications
  440. 28.1 Overview
  441. 28.2 Sample scenario
  442. 28.2.1 Create a Web Service
  443. 28.2.2 Create a Web Services client portlet
  444. Chapter 29. Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP)
  445. 29.1 Overview
  446. 29.2 Implementing WSRP in WebSphere Portal
  447. 29.2.1 Tasks for Producer portals
  448. 29.2.2 Tasks for Consumer portals
  449. 29.2.3 Test the scenario
  450. 29.3 Security
  451. Chapter 30. Portlet debugging
  452. 30.1 Overview
  453. 30.2 Sample scenario
  454. 30.2.1 Fixing compile errors
  455. 30.2.2 Debugging a portlet application
  456. Chapter 31. Remote Server Attach
  457. 31.1 Overview
  458. 31.2 Sample scenario
  459. 31.2.1 Preparing Remote Portal server to debug
  460. 31.2.2 Create Remote Portal server users
  461. 31.2.3 Create a WebSphere Portal Server Attach
  462. 31.2.4 Debugging a portlet on WebSphere Portal Server Attach
  463. 31.3 Define Web browsers and emulator devices
  464. Chapter 32. Update a portal layout
  465. 32.1 Overview
  466. 32.2 Create a Portal server connection
  467. 32.3 Import the WebSphere Portal server configuration
  468. 32.4 Modify the Portal Navigation and Layout
  469. 32.5 Add portlets
  470. 32.6 Additional ways to add portlets
  471. 32.7 Test the updated portal configuration
  472. 32.8 Applying themes
  473. Chapter 33. Create new portal themes
  474. 33.1 Overview
  475. 33.2 Create a new theme
  476. 33.3 Editing a theme
  477. 33.4 Editing Styles
  478. 33.5 Applying MyCorp theme
  479. 33.6 Applying a Skin
  480. 33.7 Test the new Portal Project
  481. 33.8 Publishing the Portal Project
  482. 33.9 Deploying the Portal Project
  483. Locating the Web material
  484. Using the Web material
  485. System requirements for downloading the Web material
  486. How to use the Web material
  487. Related publications5
  488. IBM Redbooks
  489. Other publications
  490. Online resources
  491. How to get IBM Redbooks
  492. Help from IBM