- 2.3.2 Create a portal project
- 2.3.3 Add and modify a portal page
- 2.3.4 Create and modify two portlets
- 2.3.5 Add portlets to a portal page
- 2.3.6 Run the project in the test environment
- Chapter 3. Portlet development platform sample installation
- 3.1 Prerequisites
- 3.1.1 Hardware requirements
- 3.1.2 Software requirements
- 3.2 Rational Application Developer and Portal Tools
- 3.3 WebSphere Portal V5.1 Test Environment
- 3.4 Configuration of the Test Environment
- 3.5 WebSphere Test Environment V5.1 (optional)
- 4.1 Portlet container
- 4.2 IBM portlet application
- 4.3 Servlets versus portlets
- 4.4 Portlet modes
- 4.5 Portlet states
- 4.6 Core objects
- 4.6.1 Hierarchy
- 4.6.2 Portlet
- 4.6.3 PortletAdapter
- 4.6.4 PortletRequest
- 4.6.5 PortletResponse
- 4.6.6 PortletSession object
- 4.6.7 Client
- 4.6.8 PortletConfig object
- 4.6.9 PortletContext object
- 4.6.10 PortletSettings object
- 4.6.11 PortletApplicationSettings object
- 4.6.12 PortletData object
- 4.6.13 PortletLog object
- 4.6.14 PortletException
- 4.6.15 UnavailableException
- 4.6.16 PortletWindow object
- 4.6.17 User object
- 4.6.18 PortletURI
- 4.7 Portlet life cycle
- 4.8 Listeners
- 4.8.1 PortletTitleListener
- 4.8.2 PortletPageListener
- 4.8.3 PortletSessionListener
- 4.8.4 WindowListener
- 4.8.5 PortletSettingsAttributeListener
- 4.8.6 PortletApplicationSettingsAttributesListener
- 4.9 Action event handling
- 4.9.1 ActionListener
- 4.9.2 ActionEvent
- 4.9.3 PortletURI
- 4.9.4 ModeModifier
- 4.10 Attribute storage summary
- 4.11 Portlet JSPs
- 4.11.1 Portlet tag library
- 4.11.2 Portlet events and messaging
- 4.12 Portlet deployment
- 4.12.1 web.xml
- 4.12.2 portlet.xml
- 4.12.3 Parameter summary
- 4.12.4 Descriptors relationship (web.xml and portlet.xml)
- 4.12.5 UID guidelines
- 4.13 Resources
- Chapter 5. A first portlet application
- 5.1 Sample scenario
- 5.2 Create the portlet project
- 5.2.1 Using the Portlet Project wizard
- 5.3 Configure the test environment
- 5.4 Run the portlet project
- 5.5 Modify the portlet project and verifying changes
- 5.5.1 Change the JSP used for the View mode
- 5.5.2 Add a JavaBean
- Chapter 6. IBM Portlet API portlet development
- 6.1 About action events
- 6.2 Development scenario
- 6.3 Create the portlet project
- 6.4 Configure your project in the test environment
- 6.5 Examining and modify the source code
- 6.6 Run your project in the test environment
- Chapter 7. Portlet messaging
- 7.1 Portlet messaging
- 7.2 MessageListener
- 7.3 MessageEvent
- 7.4 DefaultPortletMessage
- 7.5 PortletMessage
- 7.6 Sample scenario
- 7.6.1 Description
- 7.6.2 Sending a message
- 7.6.3 Create the target portlet
- 7.6.4 Run the portlet application
- 7.7 Broadcasting messages
- Chapter 8. JSR 168 API
- 8.1 JSR overview
- 8.1.1 Number of portlet instances
- 8.1.2 Portlet windows
- 8.1.3 Thread safety
- 8.2 JSR 168 comparison to servlets
- 8.3 JSR 168 portlet modes
- 8.4 JSR 168 Portlet window states
- 8.5 Core JSR 168 objects
- 8.5.1 interface javax.portlet.Portlet
- 8.5.2 class javax.portlet.GenericPortlet
- 8.5.3 interface javax.portlet.PortletURL
- 8.5.4 interface javax.portlet.PortletContext
- 8.5.5 interface javax.portlet.PortletRequest
- 8.5.6 interface javax.portlet.ActionRequest
- 8.5.7 interface javax.portlet.RenderRequest
- 8.5.8 interface javax.portlet.PortletResponse
- 8.5.9 interface javax.portlet.ActionResponse
- 8.5.10 interface javax.portlet.RenderResponse
- 8.5.11 interface javax.portlet.PortalContext
- 8.5.12 interface javax.portlet.PortletPreferences
- 8.5.13 interface javax.portlet.PreferencesValidator
- 8.5.14 interface javax.portlet.PortletConfig
- 8.5.15 interface javax.portlet.PortletSession
- 8.6 JSR 168 Portlet life cycle
- 8.6.1 Instantiation
- 8.6.2 Initialization
- 8.6.3 Request handling
- 8.6.4 End of service
- 8.7 Portlet caching
- 8.7.1 Remote cache
- 8.8 Listeners
- 8.8.1 HttpSessionBindingListener
- 8.8.2 ServletContextListener
- 8.8.3 ServletContextAttributeListener
- 8.8.4 HttpSessionListener
- 8.8.5 HttpSessionAttributeListener
- 8.9 Deployment descriptors
- 8.9.1 Portlet.xml declaration
- 8.9.2 portlet-app -
- 8.9.3 portlet
- 8.9.4 custom-portlet-mode
- 8.9.5 custom-window-state
- 8.9.6 user-attribute
- 8.9.7 security-constraint
- 8.10 JSR 168 limitations in WebSphere Portal
- Chapter 9. JSR 168 portlet development
- 9.1 Overview
- 9.2 Create a JSR 168 portlet project
- 9.2.1 Create a basic JSR 168 portlet
- 9.2.2 Examining the generated portlet
- 9.3 Update the generated portlet
- 9.3.1 Modify the session bean
- 9.3.2 View mode
- 9.3.3 Edit mode
- 9.3.4 Configure mode
- 9.3.5 Update the portlet descriptor (portlet.xml)
- 9.3.6 Modify the MySimplePortletPortletPreferenceValidator class
- 9.4 Run the portlet
- 9.4.1 Executing the portlet
- Chapter 10. Migrating to JSR 168
- 10.1 Modify the deployment descriptor
- 10.1.1 doctype
- 10.1.2 portlet-app
- 10.1.3 concrete-portlet-app
- 10.1.4 portlet
- 10.1.5 portlet-name
- 10.1.6 web.xml
- 10.1.7 cache
- 10.1.8 supports
- 10.1.9 allows
- 10.1.10 config-param
- 10.1.11 Locale settings
- 10.2 Modify the Java source
- 10.2.1 Package
- 10.2.2 Superclass
- 10.2.3 doXXX methods
- 10.2.4 actionPerformed
- 10.2.5 ActionEvent
- 10.2.6 Logging
- 10.2.7 JSP includes
- 10.2.8 PortletData and PortletSettings
- 10.2.9 namespace
- 10.2.10 portlet URLs
- 10.3 Modify the JSP source
- 10.3.1 taglib
- 10.3.2 portletAPI:init
- 10.3.3 namespace
- 10.3.4 Create URLs
- 10.3.5 portletAPI:text
- 10.3.6 encodeURL
- 10.3.7 CSS
- 10.4 Struts
- 10.5 JSF
- 10.6 Portlet services
- 10.7 Messaging
- Chapter 11. Using JSPs and servlets
- 11.1 Overview
- 11.1.1 Generating output
- 11.2 RequestDispatcher
- 11.2.1 PortletContext.getRequestDispatcher
- 11.2.2 PortletContext.getNamedDispatcher
- 11.2.3 PortletRequestDispatcher.include
- 11.3 JSP tags
- 11.3.1 defineObjects
- 11.3.2 renderURL
- 11.3.3 actionURL
- 11.3.4 namespace
- 11.3.5 param
- 11.3.6 IBM tags
- 11.3.7 JSTL
- 11.4 Cascading style sheets (CSS)
- 11.4.1 WSRP Styles
- 11.4.2 IBM styles
- Chapter 12. Internationalization
- 12.1 Resource bundles
- 12.1.1 Create resource bundles in Rational Application Developer
- 12.1.2 Translating resource bundles
- 12.1.3 Accessing resource bundles in portlets
- 12.1.4 Accessing resource bundles in JSPs
- 12.2 Translating whole resources
- 12.3 JSR 168 API considerations
- 12.4 Dynamically changing the language
- 12.5 NLS administration
- 12.5.1 Portlet NLS administration
- 12.5.2 Portal NLS administration
- 12.5.3 Setting NLS titles
- 12.5.4 Supporting a new language
- 12.6 Working with characters
- 12.7 NLS best practices
- 12.8 Sample scenario: NLS bundles
- 12.8.1 NLS bundles
- 12.8.2 Accessing NLS bundles from JSPs
- 12.8.3 Run the NLS scenario
- 12.8.4 Accessing NLS bundles in Java portlets
- 12.9 Sample scenario: translating whole resources
- 12.10 Dynamically changing the language
- Chapter 13. Struts portlets
- 13.1 Overview
- 13.2 The Struts portlet framework
- 13.2.1 Struts applications
- 13.2.2 Changes to Struts JSPs
- 13.2.3 Configuration files
- 13.2.4 Create link tags in Struts
- Chapter 14. Create Struts portlets with the IBM Portlet API
- 14.1 Overview
- 14.2 Create Struts applications with IBM portlet API
- 14.2.1 Create a Portlet project
- 14.2.2 Inspecting the Struts portlet project
- 14.2.3 Designing the application
- 14.2.4 Realizing the application components
- 14.2.5 Add logging support
- 14.2.6 Add support to Edit mode
- 14.2.7 Realizing the new application components
- 14.2.8 Add internationalization support
- 14.3 Messaging
- 14.4 Migration
- Chapter 15. Struts portlet development using the JSR 168 API
- 15.1 Overview
- 15.2 Message flow
- 15.3 Create a Portlet project
- 15.3.1 Inspecting the Struts portlet project
- 15.4 Designing the application (View mode)
- 15.4.1 Realizing the application components
- 15.4.2 Realizing the index.jsp page
- 15.4.3 Realizing the notConfigured.jsp
- 15.4.4 Realizing the Form Bean
- 15.4.5 Realizing configured.jsp
- 15.4.6 Editing the resources file
- 15.4.7 Realizing the welcome action mapping
- 15.4.8 Run the Struts portlet
- 15.5 Designing the application (Edit mode)
- 15.6 Realizing the Edit mode application components
- 15.6.1 Realizing the editBean
- 15.6.2 Realizing index.jsp
- 15.6.3 Realizing the saveConfiguration action
- 15.7 Add new keys to the resources file
- 15.8 Run the portlet
- 15.9 Add internationalization support
- 15.9.1 Portlet application View mode internationalization
- 15.9.2 Struts framework internationalization support
- 15.9.3 Editing the Portlet deployment descriptor
- 15.9.4 Test the new locale
- 15.10 Add logging support to the application
- Chapter 16. JavaServer Faces portlets
- 16.1 Overview
- 16.1.1 Life cycle of a JSF page
- 16.2 A simple JSF application
- 16.2.1 Create the pages
- 16.2.2 Define navigation rules
- 16.2.3 Developing the beans
- 16.3 User interface component model
- 16.3.1 User interface component classes
- 16.3.2 Component rendering model
- 16.3.3 Conversion model
- 16.3.4 Event and listener model
- 16.3.5 Validation model
- 16.4 Navigation model
- 16.5 Backing bean management
- 16.6 JSF in portlets
- 16.6.1 JSF portlet runtime
- 16.6.2 Mapping between portlet phases and JSF phases
- 16.6.3 Welcome page and navigation in JSF portlets
- 16.6.4 Programming guidelines
- 16.6.5 Limitations in JSF portlets
- 16.7 Migration
- Chapter 17. JavaServer Faces portlet development
- 17.1 The calculator application
- 17.2 Create the project
- 17.2.1 Inspecting the JSF portlet project
- 17.3 Create the page layout
- 17.4 Implementing component attributes and validation
- 17.4.1 Test the validation
- 17.5 Binding the front end to the calculator
- 17.5.1 Test the binding
- 17.6 Invoking the business logic of the calculator
- 17.6.1 Implementing an error page
- 17.7 Implementing page navigation
- 17.8 Implementing a validator
- 17.9 Implementing a value change event
- 17.10 Implementing internationalization
- 17.10.1 Internationalization of standard validator messages
- Chapter 18. Additional Faces portlet sample scenarios
- 18.1 The call center application
- 18.1.1 Create the project
- 18.1.2 Create the page layout
- 18.1.3 Define a parameter for the list
- 18.1.4 Create a detail portlet
- 18.1.5 Linking the portlets
- 18.1.6 Test the application
- 18.2 The Web service client portlet
- 18.2.1 Create the project
- 18.2.2 Create a new Web service client
- 18.2.3 Create the page layout
- 18.2.4 Test the application
- Chapter 19. Portlet services
- 19.1 Portlet services
- 19.1.1 ContentAccessService
- 19.1.2 Custom services
- 19.2 Accessing portlet services
- 19.2.1 Accessing a portlet service in an IBM portlet
- 19.2.2 Accessing a portlet service in a JSR 168 portlet
- Chapter 20. Credential Vault Service
- 20.1 Overview
- 20.1.1 Credentials
- 20.2 Credential Vault organization
- 20.2.1 Vault segments
- 20.2.2 Credential slots
- 20.3 Working with the CredentialVaultService
- 20.3.1 Acquiring a reference to the CredentialVaultService
- 20.3.2 Using the CredentialVaultService
- 20.4 Credential objects
- 20.4.1 Passive credential objects
- 20.4.2 Active credential objects
- 20.4.3 Storing credential objects in the PortletSession
- Chapter 21. The Credential Vault
- 21.1 Sample scenario
- 21.2 Import a secure servlet application
- 21.3 Using active credentials
- 21.3.1 Create the Credential Vault portlet application
- 21.3.2 Reviewing the generated code
- 21.3.3 Update the generated portlet
- 21.3.4 Run the portlet
- 21.4 Using passive credentials
- Chapter 22. Accessing JDBC databases from portlet applications
- 22.1 Create a portlet project
- 22.1.1 Create HRPortlet
- 22.2 Create a sample database
- 22.2.1 Create the WSSAMPLE database
- 22.2.2 Create a connection
- 22.2.3 Create an SQL statement
- 22.2.4 Generating Java classes
- 22.3 Sample scenario
- 22.3.1 Overview
- 22.3.2 Import the WAR file
- 22.3.3 Reviewing the portlet code
- 22.3.4 Run the HRPortlet application
- Chapter 23. Accessing JDBC databases using Data Source in standard portlets
- 23.1 Data Source overview
- 23.2 Create a JSR 168 portlet project
- 23.2.1 Create HRPortlet
- 23.3 Create a sample database
- 23.3.1 Create a connection
- 23.3.2 Create an SQL statement
- 23.3.3 Generating Java classes
- 23.4 Sample scenario
- 23.4.1 Overview
- 23.4.2 Import the WAR file
- 23.4.3 Reviewing the portlet code
- 23.4.4 Create the Data Source
- 23.4.5 Run the HRPortlet168 application
- Chapter 24. IBM API declarative cooperative portlets
- 24.1 Overview
- 24.1.1 The WebSphere Portal property broker
- 24.1.2 Property broker runtime components
- 24.2 IBM Portlets for cooperation
- 24.2.1 Registering and publishing properties
- 24.2.2 Struts integration
- 24.2.3 Internationalization
- 24.3 Sample scenario (IBM portlets)
- 24.3.1 Description
- 24.3.2 Source cooperative portlet
- 24.3.3 Target cooperative portlet
- 24.3.4 Run the cooperative portlets
- Chapter 25. IBM API programmatic cooperative portlets
- 25.1 Publishing properties programmatically
- 25.2 Portlet event handling
- 25.2.1 PropertyListener interface
- 25.2.2 EventPhaseListener interface
- 25.3 Broadcasting source data
- 25.4 Wiring tool
- 25.5 Sample scenario
- 25.5.1 Declarative source cooperative portlet
- 25.5.2 Enabling the portlet for target C2A programmatic
- 25.5.3 Run the cooperative portlets
- 25.5.4 Wire portlets
- 25.5.5 Enabling HRPortlet for programmatic source C2A
- 25.5.6 Run the programmatic source portlet
- Chapter 26. JSR 168 cooperative portlets
- 26.1 Overview
- 26.2 Source cooperative portlet
- 26.2.1 Import the HRPortlet168 portlet
- 26.2.2 Internationalization
- 26.2.3 Declaring exchange capabilities using WSDL
- 26.2.4 Update the portlet deployment descriptor
- 26.2.5 Update the HRPortlet168 portlet code
- 26.2.6 Update the JSP to generate a link
- 26.3 Target cooperative portlet
- 26.3.1 Internationalization
- 26.3.2 Declaring exchange capabilities using WSDL
- 26.3.3 Update the portlet deployment descriptor
- 26.4 Run the cooperative portlets
- 26.4.1 Populating the sample database
- 26.4.2 Create a data source
- 26.4.3 Run and wiring the cooperative portlets
- Chapter 27. Struts cooperative portlets
- 27.1 Overview
- 27.2 Source cooperative portlet
- 27.2.1 Import the Echo portlet
- 27.2.2 Declaring exchange capabilities using WSDL
- 27.2.3 Update the portlet deployment descriptor
- 27.2.4 Update the EchoSource portlet code
- 27.2.5 Internationalization
- 27.3 Target cooperative portlet
- 27.3.1 Import the Echo portlet
- 27.3.2 Declaring exchange capabilities using WSDL
- 27.3.3 Update the EchoTarget portlet code
- 27.3.4 Internationalization
- 27.4 Run the cooperative portlets
- Chapter 28. Accessing Web Services from portlet applications
- 28.1 Overview
- 28.2 Sample scenario
- 28.2.1 Create a Web Service
- 28.2.2 Create a Web Services client portlet
- Chapter 29. Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP)
- 29.1 Overview
- 29.2 Implementing WSRP in WebSphere Portal
- 29.2.1 Tasks for Producer portals
- 29.2.2 Tasks for Consumer portals
- 29.2.3 Test the scenario
- 29.3 Security
- Chapter 30. Portlet debugging
- 30.1 Overview
- 30.2 Sample scenario
- 30.2.1 Fixing compile errors
- 30.2.2 Debugging a portlet application
- Chapter 31. Remote Server Attach
- 31.1 Overview
- 31.2 Sample scenario
- 31.2.1 Preparing Remote Portal server to debug
- 31.2.2 Create Remote Portal server users
- 31.2.3 Create a WebSphere Portal Server Attach
- 31.2.4 Debugging a portlet on WebSphere Portal Server Attach
- 31.3 Define Web browsers and emulator devices
- Chapter 32. Update a portal layout
- 32.1 Overview
- 32.2 Create a Portal server connection
- 32.3 Import the WebSphere Portal server configuration
- 32.4 Modify the Portal Navigation and Layout
- 32.5 Add portlets
- 32.6 Additional ways to add portlets
- 32.7 Test the updated portal configuration
- 32.8 Applying themes
- Chapter 33. Create new portal themes
- 33.1 Overview
- 33.2 Create a new theme
- 33.3 Editing a theme
- 33.4 Editing Styles
- 33.5 Applying MyCorp theme
- 33.6 Applying a Skin
- 33.7 Test the new Portal Project
- 33.8 Publishing the Portal Project
- 33.9 Deploying the Portal Project
- Locating the Web material
- Using the Web material
- System requirements for downloading the Web material
- How to use the Web material
- Related publications5
- IBM Redbooks
- Other publications
- Online resources
- How to get IBM Redbooks
- Help from IBM