17.3 Creating the page layout

Now you will create the basic JSP layout of the calculate.jsp.

1. In the Design view, select the text Place content here. and replace it with JSF Calculator.

2. Select the text JSF Calculator, and on the top menu select Insert | Paragraph | Heading 1.

Figure 17-7 Portlet heading

3. Select the Output component in the Faces Components palette. Drag the cursor under the heading and drop the component.

Figure 17-8 Creating the page layout for the calculator

4. Select the outputText component in the Design view.

a. In the Properties view, change the Id to comment.

b. Change the Value to Created using Application Developer.

c. Enter style properties: font-size: 18; font-weight: bold.

Figure 17-9 The comment component properties

5. Position the cursor behind the output text and press Enter twice to add <BR>s.

6. From the palette, select the Display Errors component and drop it under the breaks. This is for validation error messages.

7. Select the new component and notice in the Properties view the messages style class (see Figure 17-10).

Figure 17-10 The messages component properties

8. Open the file stylesheet.css.

a. In the Styles view (Figure 17-11), find the .messages class and open it (double-click it).

Figure 17-11 The Styles view

b. In the Add Style --- .messages window, select Font and set the color to Red. Click OK and the code is inserted into the stylesheet.css file:

.messages {

color: red


c. Change the .message entry in the same way. This class will be used for error messages attached to one field. Save and close the stylesheet.css. The {Error Messages} component is now red.

9. Insert a table with five rows and two columns under the error messages field. Select Insert | Table, change Rows to 5, Border width to 0, and Padding inside cells to 3.

Figure 17-12 Insert a table

10. Click OK. Your page now should look similar to Figure 17-13.

Figure 17-13 The page layout after inserting a table

11. Select File | Save All.

12. Open the Calculate.java file by selecting Edit Page Code from the context menu inside the JSP in Page Designer (right-click). You can also open the Java file directly, if you prefer. Notice the code that has been generated, for example:
protected HtmlOutputText comment;

protected HtmlOutputText getComment() {

 if (comment == null) {

  comment = (HtmlOutputText) findComponentInRoot("comment");


 return comment;

Notice also that each component is defined with a lazy getter method; therefore you will never use the variable in your own methods, but always in the associated getter method.

13. Fill in the recently created table (Figure 17-14):

a. Drop Output components into column 1, rows 1, 2, 3, and 5.

b. Drop Input components into column 2, rows 1 and 3.

c. Drop a Combo Box component into column 2 row 2.

d. Drop a Command - Button component into column 2 row 4.

e. Drop an Output component into column 2 row 5.
The table should now look as illustrated in Figure 17-14.

Figure 17-14 Inserting JSF components into the table

14. Change the Output components in column 1. Select each component and in the Properties view change the Value field (Figure 17-15):

a. Column 1 row 1: Number 1 (11-888):

b. Column 1 row 2: Operation:

c. Column 1 row 3: Number 2 (0-19, odd):

d. Column 1 row 5: Result:
The table should now look as illustrated in Figure 17-15.

Figure 17-15 Changing the output components value property

15. Select File | Save All.
