11.2.3 PortletRequestDispatcher.include

The include() method of the PortletRequestDispatcher class is used to include JSPs and servlets. The RenderRequest and RenderResponse objects passed into the render method must be passed into the include() method.

The include() method can be called at any time during the render method of the portlet.

Note: The included JSPs and Servlets should not use the Servlet RequestDispatcher to do a forward as this may cause unpredictable behavior.

JSPs and Servlets called from the include method will have access to the following request parameters. However, if the RequestDispatcher for a servlet was obtained using the getNamedDispatcher the following attributes will not be available.

All of the following attribute and parameter can be obtained from the requests getAttribute method.

The following five request parameters have corresponding methods in the HttpServletRequest to get the information.



The request_uri is the context root relative path of the included JSP or servlet



The context_path in the context root for the portlet.



The servlet path will be the request_uri minus the context_path



path_info contains information about the path.



The query_string will contain any parameters that have been added to the path. For example if you had a path of /mypath/myjsps.jsp?name=Hailey, the query_string would contain name=Hailey.

The following three attributes will store portlet objects. When using JSPs it is recommended that you use the defineObjects portlet tags rather than getting the objects from the request.

Example 11-5 Request attributes

RenderRequest renderRequest   = (RenderRequest)request.getAttribute("javax.portlet.request");
RenderResponse renderResponse = (RenderResponse)request.getAttribute("javax.portlet.response");
PortletConfig portletConfig   = (PortletConfig)request.getAttribute("javax.portlet.config");



Is an object of type PortletConfig



Is an object of type RenderRequest



Is an object of type RenderResponse
