4.6.5 PortletResponse
The PortletResponse interface extends from the HttpServletResponse and ServletResponse interfaces. This object encapsulates the response sent to the Portal Server for aggregation. Unlike the ServletResponse, the response is sent to the Portal Server, not the client machine directly. Therefore, attempting to influence the overall request, such as setting a status code, will have no effect. Some of the most commonly used methods of this object are listed below:
This method returns a java.io.PrintWriter object that can be used to return markup to the Portal Server. The content returned by the PrintWriter is aggregated into the entire portal page. While it is possible to use a PrintWriter as well as include a JSP, it is generally considered bad practice to do so.
getWriter This method takes a String and attaches the name of the portlet application as a prefix. For example, the value "variable_one" when encoded would be returned as "PC_175_variable_one". Any variables that will become part of the aggregated portal page should be encoded. JavaScript functions and variables are good examples of values that should be encoded to prevent name collisions.
encodeNamespace This method allows you to add a cookie to the ultimate HTTP response that is sent by the Portal Server to the client. In order to ensure the name of cookie is unique throughout the portal, it is recommended that you use the encodeNameSpace method.
addCookie This method provides access to the headers sent back to the client via the portal server.
addHeader/setHeader/containsHeader This method will append the passed string to the complete URL of the Portal Server. For example, the string "example.gif" becomes "http://www.yourco.com/wps/WPS_PA_351/example.gif" when passed to the encodeURL method.
encodeURL These methods will create URI object that contains a URL pointing the portlet in particular mode. For more information see 4.6.18, PortletURI.
createURI/createReturnURI Example 4-3 Working with the PortletResponse
java.io.PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.println("Hello World"); PortletURI uri = response.createURI(); String functionName = response.encodeNamespace("myFunction");