6.3 Creating the portlet project
In this section, you create a Basic type portlet application with the name ActionEvent. The portlet application will be published and executed in the test environment. Follow these steps:
1. Open the IBM Rational Application Developer by clicking Start | Programs | IBM Rational | IBM Rational Application Developer V6.0 | Rational Application Developer. If you are prompted to select a workspace, click OK to use the default workspace directory.
2. If you have developed a portlet project before, you can select File | New | Portlet Project. Otherwise, select New | Project.
Figure 6-3 Starting a new portlet project
3. Name the project ActionEvent. Click the Show Advanced button and select WebSphere Portal V5.1 as the target server. Then click Next.
Figure 6-4 Portlet project settings window
4. Choose the Basic Portlet type. Click Next to continue.
5. On the Features window, deselect Web Diagram and select JSP Tag Libraries. Then click Next to continue.
Figure 6-5 Adding JSP Tag Libraries
6. Accept the default settings on the Portlet Settings window. Click Next to continue.
7. On the Event Handling window, deselect Add form sample. Since you will be using the action event listener, leave this option selected. Click Next to continue.
Figure 6-6 Event handling window
8. Since you will not be using the credential vault in this project, accept the defaults on the Single Sign-On window and click Next.
9. Click Add Edit mode on the Miscellaneous window. You will be using it in this scenario. Click Finish to generate your portlet project.
Figure 6-7 Add Edit mode
10. Your project will display in the Project Explorer view on the left-hand side of the workbench.
Figure 6-8 Project explorer view