18.1.4 Creating a detail portlet

Now you will create a new portlet in the same Portlet project to show the trouble tickets detail.

1. Select File | New | Portlet from the menu bar.

2. Select Ticket for the Project.

3. Select Faces portlet and click Finish.

4. A JSP file named Ticket2View.jsp is opened with Page Designer.

5. Select New | JavaBean from the context menu of Page Data view.

6. Enter ticketDetail for the Name and com.ibm.faces.portlet.examples.TicketDetail for the class.

7. Click Finish.
ticketDetail is shown in Page Data view.

8. Replace the text Place content here. with Ticket ID:.

9. Drag and drop Input from Faces Components of Palette view, next to the text, Ticket ID:.

10. Drag and drop Command - Button from Faces Components of Palette view, next to the input.

11. Drag and drop ticketDetail/ticketId from Page Data view on the input.

12. Drag and drop ticketDetail/ticket from Page Data view onto Page Designer, below the Ticket ID text.

13. Select the following fields:

- title

- status

- owner

- contact

- note
and sort in the above order by clicking Up/Down (icons).

14. Click Finish.
A table with outputs is inserted (Figure 18-10).

Figure 18-10 Layout of the Details portlet

15. Select File | Save from the menu bar.
