14.2.6 Adding support to Edit mode

To add support to Edit mode in our portlet, proceed as follows:

1. Edit the web.xml deployment descriptor.

a. Expand Dynamic Web Projects | MyFirstStruts.

b. Double-click Deployment Descriptor: MyFirstStruts.

c. In the editor, go to the servlets page.

d. Select myFirstStruts.MyFirstStrutsPortlet.

e. In the Initialization section, click Add.

f. Enter config/html/edit as the parameter name, and /WEB-INF/html/edit/struts-config.xml as the parameter value.

g. Click Finish.

h. Go to the Pages tab.

i. Under the Welcome pages section, click Add.

j. Enter html/edit/welcome.jsp as the new welcome page name. This will be the welcome page in Edit mode, for a html markup.

k. Save the file and close the editor.

2. Edit the portlet deployment descriptor.

a. Double-click Portlet Deployment Descriptor.

b. Expand Portlet Application.

c. Select myfirststruts.MyFirstStrutsPortlet.

d. In the Markups section, click under Edit and select Fragment. (Figure 14-10).

Figure 14-10 Adding support to Edit mode

e. Save the file and close the editor.

3. Add a new struts module to support the Edit mode.

a. In the Project Explorer view, right-click the Struts icon.

b. Select New | Module.

c. Fill in all the fields according to Figure 14-11.
Note that you pointed to the same resources file that you had already created.

Figure 14-11 New Struts module wizard

d. Click Finish.
At this time, a new Struts module should appear under the Struts icon, as shown in Figure 14-12.

Figure 14-12 The new Struts module

4. Create a new Web diagram for the Edit mode.

a. Right-click Web Diagram.

b. Select New | Web Diagram.

c. Enter editMode as the Web diagram file name.

d. Place four Web pages in the diagram. Name them html/edit/welcome.jsp, html/edit/index.jsp, configured.jsp and notConfigured.jsp.

e. Place two action mappings in the diagram. Name them saveConfiguration and editConfiguration.

f. Place a form bean in the diagram. In the Form bean attributes window that appears, enter userBean as its name and request as the scope.

g. Create the connections between the components; these are:

i. welcome.jsp to editConfiguration.

ii. editConfiguration to userBean.

iii. saveConfiguration to userBean.

iv. Local forward named success from editConfiguration to index.jsp.

v. index.jsp to saveConfiguration.

vi. Local forward named success from saveConfiguration to editConfiguration.

vii. Local forward named user_not_set from saveConfiguration to notConfigured.jsp.

viii. Local forward named user_set from saveConfiguration to configured.jsp.

h. Right-click anywhere in the Web diagram. Select Change the Struts module association.

i. Select /html/edit in the list. Click OK.

j. Your diagram should look like Figure 14-13. Save it.

Figure 14-13 The Web diagram for Edit mode
