Enterprise Generation Language (EGL)


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  1. Introduction to EGL
  2. EGL projects, packages, and files
  3. Record types and properties
  4. Run-time configurations
  5. Generated output
  6. Resource associations and file types
  7. Java access functions
  8. References to parts
  9. Import
  10. Structure
  11. DataItem part
  12. Record parts
  13. Library (generated output)
  14. Typedef
  15. Parts
  16. Program part
  17. Function part
  18. Build descriptor part
  19. Linkage options part
  20. Java run-time properties
  21. References to variables and constants
  22. Program properties file
  23. Build plan
  24. Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) session bean
  25. Java program, page handler, and library
  26. Java wrapper
  27. Results file
  28. Linkage properties file
  29. J2EE environment file
  30. Development process
  31. MQSeries support
  32. MQSeries-related EGL keywords
  33. Direct MQSeries calls
  34. SQL support
  35. resultSetID
  36. Dynamic SQL
  37. Logical unit of work
  38. Run unit
  39. Creating dataItem parts from an SQL record part (overview)
  40. Web support
  41. Compatibility with VisualAge Generator
  42. FormGroup part
  43. Form part
  44. DataTable part
  45. Overview of EGL properties and overrides
  46. Segmentation in text applications
  47. Text forms
  48. Print forms
  49. Modified data tag and modified property
  50. Resolving a reference to display an implicit SQL statement
  51. Transfer of control across programs
  52. PageHandler part
  53. Library part
  54. VSAM support
  55. Sources of additional information on EGL
  56. What's new in EGL version 6.0
  57. EGL Data Parts wizard
  58. EGL Data Parts and Pages wizard
  59. WebSphere Application
  60. EGL debugger
  61. Build
  62. Generation
  63. Generation from the EGL Software Development Kit (SDK)
  64. Generation in the workbench
  65. Name aliasing
  66. Build script
  67. Build server
  68. Generation from the workbench batch interface
  69. Master build descriptor
  70. Generation of Java code into a project
  71. EGL system limits
  72. Items
  73. Exception handling
  74. Numeric expressions
  75. System words
  76. System words in alphabetical order
  77. Data conversion (system words)
  78. sysLib.convert
  79. sysVar.callConversionTable
  80. continue
  81. Date and time (system words)
  82. sysVar.currentShortJulianDate
  83. sysVar.currentJulianDate
  84. sysVar.currentFormattedJulianDate
  85. sysVar.currentShortDate
  86. sysVar.currentDate
  87. sysVar.currentFormattedDate
  88. sysVar.currentFormattedTime
  89. Exception handling and status (system words)
  90. sysVar.handleHardIOErrors
  91. sysVar.handleOverflow
  92. sysVar.overflowIndicator
  93. sysVar.returnCode
  94. sysVar.handleSysLibErrors
  95. sysLib.connect
  96. sysVar.mqConditionCode
  97. sysVar.errorCode
  98. sysVar.sqlcode
  99. File and database (system words)
  100. sysLib.bytes
  101. sysLib.commit
  102. sysLib.connectionService
  103. recordName.resourceAssociation
  104. sysLib.rollback
  105. sysVar.sqlca
  106. sysVar.sqlerrd
  107. sysVar.sqlerrmc
  108. sysVar.sqlwarn
  109. Mathematical (system words)
  110. mathLib.abs
  111. mathLib.acos
  112. mathLib.asin
  113. mathLib.atan
  114. mathLib.atan2
  115. mathLib.ceiling
  116. mathLib.cos
  117. mathLib.cosh
  118. mathLib.exp
  119. mathLib.floatingSum
  120. mathLib.floatingQuotient
  121. mathLib.floatingMod
  122. mathLib.floatingProduct
  123. mathLib.floor
  124. mathLib.floatingAssign
  125. mathLib.floatingDifference
  126. mathLib.frexp
  127. mathLib.ldexp
  128. mathLib.log
  129. mathLib.log10
  130. mathLib.maximum
  131. mathLib.minimum
  132. mathLib.modf
  133. mathLib.compareNum
  134. mathLib.pow
  135. mathLib.precision
  136. mathLib.round
  137. mathLib.sin
  138. mathLib.sinh
  139. mathLib.sqrt
  140. mathLib.tan
  141. mathLib.tanh
  142. sysVar.eventKey
  143. sysLib.size
  144. sysVar.systemType
  145. sysVar.arrayIndex
  146. sysVar.sessionID
  147. sysVar.userID
  148. String handling (system words)
  149. strLib.setBlankTerminator
  150. strLib.concatenateWithSeparator
  151. strLib.compareStr
  152. strLib.concatenate
  153. strLib.copyStr
  154. strLib.findStr
  155. strLib.setNullTerminator
  156. strLib.setSubStr
  157. strLib.strLen
  158. strLib.getNextToken
  159. Data initialization
  160. Arrays
  161. Expressions
  162. Naming conventions
  163. Operators and precedence
  164. in operator
  165. EGL statements
  166. add
  167. Assignments
  168. call
  169. close
  171. delete
  172. Function invocations
  173. if, else
  174. sysVar.terminalID
  175. replace
  176. get next
  177. get previous
  178. case
  179. set
  180. prepare
  181. open
  182. execute
  183. get
  184. while
  185. I/O error values
  186. Java access (system words)
  187. Primitive types
  188. BIN and the integer types
  189. CHAR
  190. DBCHAR
  191. HEX
  192. MBCHAR
  193. NUM
  194. NUMC
  195. DECIMAL
  196. PACF
  197. UNICODE
  198. conversionTable in callLink element
  199. alias in callLink element
  200. linkType in callLink element
  201. location in callLink element
  202. luwControl in callLink element
  203. package in callLink element
  204. parmForm in callLink element
  205. pgmName in callLink element
  206. providerURL in callLink element
  207. remoteBind in callLink element
  208. remoteComType in callLink element
  209. remotePgmType in callLink element
  210. serverID in callLink element
  211. type in callLink element
  212. Properties that support variable-length records
  213. MQ record properties
  214. SQL item properties
  215. callLink element
  216. Options records for MQ records
  217. Record and file type cross-reference
  218. Association elements
  219. Program part properties
  220. EGL source format
  221. Function part in EGL source format
  222. DataItem part in EGL source format
  223. SQL record part in EGL source format
  224. Basic program in EGL source format
  225. Program part in EGL source format
  226. Java wrapper classes
  227. Build descriptor options
  228. sessionBeanID
  229. sysVar.transferName
  230. buildPlan
  231. commentLevel
  232. destDirectory
  233. destHost
  234. destPassword
  235. destPort
  236. destUserID
  237. genDirectory
  238. genProperties
  239. genDataTables
  240. linkage
  241. Page Designer support for EGL
  242. prep
  243. alias in transfer-related linkage elements
  244. resourceAssociations
  245. sqlDB
  246. sqlID
  247. sqlPassword
  248. system
  249. targetNLS
  250. nextBuildDescriptor
  251. validateSQLStatements
  252. dbms
  253. SQL data codes and EGL host variables
  254. SQL record internals
  255. EGL build-file format
  256. J2EE
  257. Keywords in alphabetical order
  258. EGL reserved words
  259. Data conversion
  260. Bidirectional language text
  261. Linkage properties file (details)
  262. Text expressions
  263. Logical expressions
  264. Indexed record part in EGL source format
  265. MQ record part in EGL source format
  266. Relative record part in EGL source format
  267. Serial record part in EGL source format
  268. Basic record part in EGL source format
  269. sysVar.commitOnConverse
  270. sysLib.verifyChkDigitMod10
  271. Default database
  272. pfKeyEquate
  273. sysLib.getVAGSysType
  274. Input form
  275. Input record
  276. Database authorization and table names
  277. sysLib.verifyChkDigitMod11
  278. sysLib.java
  279. sysLib.javaGetField
  280. sysLib.javaRemove
  281. sysLib.javaRemoveAll
  282. sysLib.javaSetField
  283. sysLib.javaStore
  284. sysLib.javaStoreCopy
  285. sysLib.javaStoreNew
  286. sysLib.javaType
  287. sysLib.javaStoreField
  288. sysLib.javaIsNull
  289. sysLib.javaIsObjID
  290. Substrings
  291. forEach
  292. Form part in EGL source format
  293. SQL examples
  294. get first
  295. get last
  296. get current
  297. get relative
  298. get absolute
  299. freeSQL
  300. sysVar.printerAssociation
  301. Structure item in EGL source format
  302. sysLib.calculateChkDigitMod10
  303. sysLib.calculateChkDigitMod11
  304. sysLib.validationFailed
  305. sysLib.displayMsgNum
  306. genProject
  307. sqlValidationConnectionURL
  308. sqlJDBCDriverClass
  309. Text UI program in EGL source format
  310. cicsj2cTimeout
  311. decimalSymbol
  312. enableJavaWrapperGen
  313. Informix and
  314. sysVar.segmentedMode
  315. sysVar.transactionID
  316. externallyDefined in transferToTransaction element
  317. sysLib.setError
  318. sysLib.setLocale
  319. sysLib.wait
  320. sysLib.startTransaction
  321. sqlJNDIName
  322. currencySymbol
  323. genHelpFormGroup
  324. genFormGroup
  325. refreshScreen in callLink element
  326. Program parameters
  327. JavaWrapper in callLink element
  328. eliminateSystemDependentCode
  329. VAGCompatibility
  330. library in callLink element
  331. ctgKeyStore in callLink element
  332. ctgKeyStorePassword in callLink element
  333. ctgPort in callLink element
  334. asynchLink element
  335. recordName in asynchLink element
  336. package in asynchLink element
  337. sysLib.disconnect
  338. sysLib.disconnectAll
  339. sysLib.queryCurrentDatabase
  340. sysLib.setCurrentDatabase
  341. sysLib.fieldInputLength
  342. sysVar.sqlState
  343. sysLib.clearScreen
  344. ctgLocation in callLink element
  345. sysLib.setRequestAttr
  346. sysLib.getRequestAttr
  347. sysLib.clearRequestAttr
  348. sysLib.setSessionAttr
  349. sysLib.getSessionAttr
  350. sysLib.clearSessionAttr
  351. sysLib.pageEject
  352. converse
  353. display
  354. forward
  355. goTo
  356. move
  357. print
  358. return
  359. show
  360. transfer
  361. DataTable part in EGL source format
  362. Library part in EGL source format
  363. FormGroup part in EGL source format
  364. Use declaration
  365. PageHandler part in EGL source format
  366. containerContextDependent
  367. Field-presentation properties
  368. Formatting properties
  369. Page item properties
  370. Validation properties
  371. sysLib.setRemoteUser
  372. sysVar.validationMsgNum
  373. sysVar.sqlIsolationLevel
  374. exit
  375. try
  376. transferToTransaction element
  377. sysVar.formConversionTable
  378. Program data other than parameters
  379. sysLib.maximumSize
  380. for
  381. like operator
  382. matches operator
  383. Function parameters
  384. Function variables
  385. Keyboard shortcuts for EGL
  386. JDBC driver requirements in EGL
  387. Changes to EGL identifiers in JSP files and generated Java beans
  388. EGL editor
  389. Content assist
  390. How names are aliased
  391. Generation Results view
  392. EGLCMD
  393. EGLSDK
  394. Format of eglmaster.properties file
  395. Format of master build descriptor plugin.xml file
  396. EGL command file
  397. Generated output (reference)
  398. Options required in EGL build scripts
  399. How Java names are aliased
  400. How Java wrapper names are aliased
  401. Output of Java wrapper generation
  402. Output of Java program generation
  403. EGL build path and eglpath
  404. DATE
  405. TIME
  408. FLOAT
  410. MONEY
  411. sysLib.loadTable
  412. sysLib.unloadTable
  413. strLib.characterAsInt
  414. strLib.clip
  415. strLib.formatNumber
  416. strLib.integerAsChar
  417. strLib.lowercase
  418. strLib.uppercase
  419. strLib.spaces
  420. Text formatting (system words)
  421. Datetime expressions
  422. sysVar.currentTime
  423. sysVar.currentTimeStamp
  424. sysLib.formatDate
  425. sysLib.formatTime
  426. sysLib.formatTimeStamp
  427. sysLib.callCmd
  428. sysLib.startCmd
  429. getCmdLineArg
  430. getCmdLineArgCount
  431. Datetime formatting (system words)
  432. sysLib.dateValue
  433. sysLib.timeValue
  434. sysLib.timeStampValue
  435. sysLib.extendTimeStampValue
  436. sysLib.intervalValue
  437. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0001E
  438. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0002E
  439. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0003E
  440. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0004I
  441. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0005I
  442. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0006E
  443. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0007E
  444. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0008E
  445. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0050E
  446. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0055E
  447. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0056E
  448. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0057E
  449. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0058E
  450. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0060E
  451. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0062E
  452. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0064E
  453. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0100E
  454. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0104E
  455. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0105E
  456. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0106E
  457. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0108E
  458. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0109E
  459. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0110E
  460. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0111E
  461. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0112E
  462. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0113E
  463. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0114E
  464. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0115E
  465. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0116E
  466. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0117E
  467. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0118E
  468. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0119E
  469. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0120E
  470. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0121E
  471. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0122E
  472. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0140E
  473. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0141E
  474. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0142E
  475. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0143E
  476. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0160E
  477. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0161E
  478. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0162E
  479. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0163E
  480. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0164E
  481. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0165E
  482. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0166E
  483. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0167E
  484. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0168E
  485. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0200E
  486. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0201E
  487. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0202E
  488. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0203E
  489. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0204E
  490. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0215E
  491. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0216E
  492. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0217E
  493. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0250E
  494. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0300E
  495. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0301E
  496. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0302E
  497. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0303E
  498. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0304E
  499. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0305E
  500. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0306E
  501. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0307E
  502. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0308E
  503. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0315E
  504. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0320E
  505. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0330E
  506. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0331E
  507. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0350E
  508. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0351E
  509. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0352E
  510. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0400E
  511. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0401E
  512. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0402E
  513. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0403E
  514. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0416E
  515. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0450E
  516. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0500E
  517. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0502E
  518. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0503E
  519. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0504E
  520. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0505E
  521. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0506E
  522. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0507E
  523. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0508E
  524. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0510E
  525. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0511E
  526. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0512E
  527. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ1234E
  528. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ1234E
  529. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0600E
  530. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0601E
  531. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0603E
  532. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0604E
  533. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0607E
  534. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0608E
  535. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0609I
  536. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0610I
  537. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0611E
  538. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0612I
  539. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0614E
  540. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0615E
  541. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0616E
  542. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0617E
  543. EGL Java run-time error code EGL0650E
  544. EGL Java run-time error code EGL0651E
  545. EGL Java run-time error code EGL0652E
  546. EGL Java run-time error code EGL0653E
  547. EGL Java run-time error code EGL0654E
  548. EGL Java run-time error code EGL0655E
  549. EGL Java run-time error code EGL0656E
  550. EGL Java run-time error code EGL0657E
  551. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0700E
  552. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0701E
  553. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0702E
  554. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0703E
  555. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0705E
  556. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0706E
  557. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0707E
  558. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0708E
  559. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0709E
  560. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0710E
  561. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0711E
  562. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0712E
  563. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0713E
  564. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0750E
  565. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0751E
  566. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0752E
  567. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0754E
  568. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0755E
  569. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0770E
  570. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0800E
  571. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0801E
  572. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0802E
  573. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0901E
  574. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0902E
  575. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0903E
  576. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0904E
  577. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0905E
  578. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0906E
  579. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0907E
  580. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0908E
  581. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0909E
  582. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0910E
  583. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0911E
  584. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0912E
  585. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0913E
  586. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0914E
  587. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0915E
  588. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0916E
  589. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0917E
  590. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0918E
  591. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ1000E
  592. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ1001E
  593. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ1002E
  594. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ1003E
  595. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ1004E
  596. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ1005E
  597. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ1006E
  598. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ1007E
  599. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ1008E
  600. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ1009E
  601. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7000E
  602. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7015E
  603. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7016E
  604. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7020E
  605. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7021E
  606. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7022E
  607. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7023E
  608. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7024E
  609. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7026E
  610. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7045E
  611. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7050E
  612. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7060E
  613. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7080E
  614. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7160E
  615. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7161E
  616. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7162E
  617. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7163E
  618. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7164E
  619. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7165E
  620. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7166E
  621. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7360E
  622. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7361E
  623. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7488E
  624. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7489E
  625. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7610E
  626. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7620E
  627. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7630E
  628. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7640E
  629. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7650E
  630. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7651E
  631. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7652E
  632. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7653E
  633. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7654E
  634. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7655E
  635. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7656E
  636. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7657E
  637. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7658E
  638. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7659E
  639. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7669E
  640. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7670E
  641. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7671E
  642. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7816E
  643. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7819E
  644. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7831E
  645. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7836E
  646. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7840E
  647. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7885E
  648. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7886E
  649. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7955E
  650. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7957E
  651. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7958E
  652. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7966E
  653. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7968E
  654. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7970E
  655. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7975E
  656. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7976E
  657. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7977E
  658. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7978E
  659. EGL Java run-time error code CSO7979E
  660. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8000E
  661. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8001E
  662. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8002E
  663. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8003E
  664. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8004E
  665. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8005E
  666. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8100E
  667. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8101E
  668. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8102E
  669. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8103E
  670. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8104E
  671. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8105E
  672. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8106E
  673. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8107E
  674. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8108E
  675. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8109E
  676. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8110E
  677. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8180E
  678. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8181E
  679. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8182E
  680. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8200E
  681. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8201E
  682. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8202E
  683. EGL Java run-time error code CSO8203E
  684. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ9900E
  685. EGL Java run-time error code VGJ9901E
  686. EGL Java run-time error codes
  687. Java run-time properties (details)
  688. Setting up the J2EE run-time environment for EGL-generated code
  689. Syntax diagram
  690. Eliminating duplicate jar files
  691. Generating deployment code for EJB projects
  692. Processing Java code that is generated into a directory
  693. Updating the J2EE environment file
  694. Updating the deployment descriptor manually
  695. Providing access to non-EGL jar files
  696. Deploying a linkage properties file
  697. Setting up a J2EE JDBC connection
  698. Setting up the J2EE server for CICSJ2C calls
  699. Setting the JNDI name for EJB projects
  700. Setting deployment-descriptor values
  701. Understanding how a standard JDBC connection is made
  702. Setting the variable EGL_GENERATORS_PLUGINDIR
  703. Deploying Java applications outside of J2EE
  704. Setting up the UNIX curses library for EGL run time
  705. Installing the EGL run-time code for Java
  706. Including JAR files in the CLASSPATH of the target machine
  707. Setting up the TCP/IP listener for a called non-J2EE application
  708. Setting up the TCP/IP listener for a called appl in a J2EE appl client
  709. Starting a non-J2EE application in the EGL debugger
  710. Creating a launch configuration in the EGL debugger
  711. Using breakpoints in the EGL debugger
  712. Stepping through an application in the EGL debugger
  713. Viewing variables in the EGL debugger
  714. Preparing a server for EGL Web debugging
  715. Starting a server for EGL Web debugging
  716. Starting an EGL Web debugging session
  717. Creating an EGL Listener launch configuration
  718. Setting preferences for the EGL debugger
  719. Creating an EGL source file
  720. Specifying database options at project creation
  721. Setting preferences for source styles
  722. Setting EGL preferences
  723. Adding an import statement to an EGL build file
  724. Setting preferences for SQL database connections
  725. Setting the default build descriptors
  726. Setting preferences for the EGL editor
  727. Setting preferences for templates
  728. Adding a build descriptor part to an EGL build file
  729. Adding a resource associations part to an EGL build file
  730. Adding a linkage options part to an EGL build file
  731. Editing general options in a build descriptor
  732. Creating an EGL Web project
  733. Creating an EGL source folder
  734. Editing a resource associations part in an EGL build file
  735. Editing the callLink element of a linkage options part
  736. Editing the asynchLink element of a linkage options part
  737. Editing the transfer-related elements of a linkage options part
  738. Retrieving SQL table data
  739. Editing an EGL build path
  740. Creating a build file
  741. Creating an EGL program part
  742. Using content assist in EGL
  743. Creating an EGL dataTable part
  744. Creating an EGL library part
  745. Creating an EGL formGroup part
  746. Creating an EGL package
  747. Constructing an EGL prepare statement
  748. Editing Java run-time properties in a build descriptor
  749. Creating dataItem parts from an SQL record part
  750. Setting preferences for SQL retrieve
  751. Viewing the SQL SELECT statement for an SQL record
  752. Constructing an explicit SQL statement from an implicit one
  753. Removing an SQL statement from an SQL-related EGL statement
  754. Resetting an explicit SQL statement
  755. Validating the SQL SELECT statement for an SQL record
  756. Viewing the implicit SQL for an SQL-related EGL statement
  757. Validating an implicit or explicit SQL statement
  758. Using the Quick Edit view for page-handler code
  759. Creating an EGL data item and associating it with a Faces JSP
  760. Associating an EGL record with a Faces JSP
  761. Locating an EGL source file in the Project Explorer
  762. Opening a part in an .egl file
  763. Creating an EGL dataItem part
  764. Creating an EGL record part
  765. Creating an EGL function part
  766. Creating an EGL print form
  767. Creating an EGL text form
  768. Setting preferences for text
  769. Line commenting EGL source code
  770. Deleting an EGL file in the Project Explorer
  771. Enabling EGL capabilities
  772. Creating an EGL pageHandler part
  773. Binding a JavaServer Faces command component to an EGL page handler
  774. Binding a JavaServer Faces input or output component to an EGL page
  775. Binding a JavaServer Faces check box component to an EGL page handler
  776. Binding a JavaServer Faces single-selection component to an EGL page
  777. Binding a JavaServer Faces multiple-selection component to an EGL page
  778. Searching for parts
  779. Viewing part references
  780. Creating a single-table EGL Web application
  781. Creating EGL data parts from relational database tables
  782. Removing a build descriptor part from an EGL build file
  783. Removing a resource associations part from an EGL build file
  784. Removing a linkage options part from an EGL build file
  785. Editing an import statement in an EGL build file
  786. Removing an import statement from an EGL build file
  787. Creating an EGL project
  788. Creating, editing, or deleting a database connection for the EGL wizards
  789. Customizing SQL statements in the EGL wizards
  790. Defining Web pages in the EGL Data Parts and Pages wizard
  791. Generating from the workbench batch interface
  792. Generating in the workbench
  793. Generating from the EGL Software Development Kit (SDK)
  794. Building EGL output
  795. Invoking a build plan after generation
  796. Choosing options for Java generation
  797. Generating Java wrappers
  798. Starting a build server on AIX, Linux, or Windows 2000/NT/XP
  799. Starting a basic or text user interface Java application on the local machine
  800. Starting a Web application on the local machine







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