Format of master build descriptor plugin.xml file
The master build descriptor plugin.xml file is an XML file that the workbench uses to specify the name and file path name of the master build descriptor. You need this only if you need a master build descriptor to enforce certain options to be used for generation and you are generating from the workbench or are using the EGLCMD command. You must put this plugin.xml file in a directory in the plugins directory. The format of the file is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <plugin id="id" name="plg" version="5.0" vendor-name="com"> <requires /> <runtime /> <extension point = ""> <masterBuildDescriptor file = "bfil" name = "mas" /> </extension> </plugin>where:
- id
- The identifier for the plug-in
- plg
- The name of the plug-in
- com
- The name of your company
- bfil
- The path name of a file containing a master build descriptor, of the form project/folder/file, relative to Enterprise Developer's workspace directory, where:
- project
- The name of the project directory
- folder
- The name of a directory within the project directory
- file
- The name of a file that contains a master build descriptor
- mas
- The name of a master build descriptor
The content of this file must follow the rules of an XML file. To separate file names within a path name use the slash (/) character.
You must specify both the name attribute and the file attribute. Otherwise the plugin.xml file is ignored.
Following is an example of the contents of plugin.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Example master BuildDescriptor Plugin --> <plugin id="example.master.BuildDescriptor.plugin" name="Example master BuildDescriptor plug-in" version="5.0" vendor-name="IBM"> <requires /> <runtime /> <!-- ======================================================================= --> <!-- --> <!-- Register the master BuildDescriptor --> <!-- --> <!-- ======================================================================= --> <extension point = "" > <masterBuildDescriptor file = "myProject/myFolder/myFile.eglbld" name = "masterBD" /> </extension> </plugin>
Related concepts
Build descriptor part
Master build descriptor
Related tasks
Generating from the workbench batch interface
Generating in the workbench
Related reference
Build descriptor options
Format of file