The build descriptor option destDirectory specifies the directory that stores the output of preparation. This option is meaningful only when you generate into a directory rather than into a project.
When you specify a fully qualified file path, all but the last directory must exist. If you specify c:\buildout on Windows 2000, for example, EGL creates the buildout directory if it does not exist. If you specify c:\interim\buildout and the interim directory does not exist, however, preparation fails.
If you specify a relative directory (such as myid/mysource on USS), the output is placed in the bottom-most directory, which is relative to the default directory, as described next.
The default value of destDirectory is affected by the status of build descriptor option destHost:
- If destHost is specified, the default value of destDirectory is the directory in which the build server was started
- If destHost is not specified, preparation occurs on the machine where generation occurs, and the default value of destDirectory is given by build descriptor option genDirectory
The user specified by build descriptor option destUserID must have the authority to write to the directory that receives the output of preparation.
You cannot use a UNIX variable ($HOME, for example) to identify part of a directory structure on USS.
Related reference
Build descriptor options