Master build descriptor
An installation can provide its own set of default values for build options and control whether those default values can be overridden.
To set up the master build descriptor, create two build descriptor parts in the same build file, the first referencing the second by use of the build descriptor option nextBuildDescriptor. The options in the first part specify default values for options that may not be overridden. The options in the second part specify default values for options that can be overridden.
To install the master build descriptor in the workbench, add a plugin xml file like following to the workbench plugins directory:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <plugin id="" name="EGL Master Build Descriptor Plug-in" version="5.0" vendor-name="IBM"> <requires /> <runtime /> <extension point = ""> <masterBuildDescriptor file = "filePath.buildFileName" name = "masterBuildPartName" /> </extension> </plugin>The file path (filePath) is in relation to the workspace directory.
If you are using the EGL SDK, you declare the name and file path name of the master build descriptor in a file named This file must be in a directory that is listed in the CLASSPATH environment variable. The format of the properties file is as follows:
masterBuildDescriptorName=masterBuildPartName masterBuildDescriptorFile=fullyQualifiedPathforEGLBuildFile
Related concepts
Build descriptor part
Build plan
EGL projects, packages, and files
Related tasks
Adding a build descriptor part to an EGL build file
Related reference
Build descriptor options
Format of file
Format of master build descriptor plugin.xml file