When you are generating Java code, the build descriptor option cicsj2cTimeout assigns a value to the Java run-time property cso.cicsj2c.timeout. That property specifies the number of milliseconds before a timeout occurs during a call that uses protocol CICSJ2C.
The default value of the run-time property is 30000, which represents 30 seconds. If the value is set to 0, no timeout occurs. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.
The property cso.cicsj2c.timeout has no effect on calls when the called program is running in WebSphere 390; for details, see Setting up the J2EE server for CICSJ2C calls.
Related concepts
Java run-time properties
Related tasks
Setting up the J2EE server for CICSJ2C calls
Related reference
Build descriptor options
Java run-time properties (details)