Program properties file

The program properties file contains Java run-time properties in a format that is accessible only to a Java program that runs outside of a J2EE environment. For overview information, see Java run-time properties.

The program properties file is a text file. Each entry other than comments has the following format:

  propertyName = propertyValue


One of the properties described in Java run-time properties (details)


The property value that is available to your program at run time

A comment is any line where the first non-text character is a pound sign (#).

A portion of an example file is as follows:

# This file contains properties for generated 
# Java programs that are being debugged in a 
# non-J2EE Java project

vgj.nls.code = ENU
vgj.datemask.gregorian.long.ENU = MM/DD/YYYY

For details on the name given to the generated file, see Generated output (reference).

Related concepts
EGL debugger
Java run-time properties

Related tasks
Generated output (reference)

Related reference
Java run-time properties (details)