EGL Java run-time error code CSO7655E
CSO7655E: An error was encountered calling program %1 using the CICS ECI. Return code: -22 (ECI_ERR_UNKNOWN_SERVER). CICS system identifier: %2.
An error was returned from a CICS External Call Interface (ECI) function call when attempting to call a remote server program.
The system identifier is the name of the CICS system where the server program was to run. If blank, the system is specified in the CICS program definition for the program or in the CICS client initialization file. The return code is the CICS return code.
The CICS return code has the following meaning:
Server system not defined
User Response
Correct the problem indicated by the return code.
For a complete explanation of the return code or if the return code is not documented above, refer to the CICS ECI documentation for your system for information on the corrective actions.
Return code values are associated with symbols in the CICS ECI include files faaecih.h or cics_eci.h.