The string function strLib.formatNumber returns a number as a formatted string.
- numericExpression
- An expression that returns a numeric type, such as BIGINT, BIN, DECIMAL, FLOAT, INT, MONEY, NUM, NUMC, PACF, SMALLFLOAT or SMALLINT.
- numericFormat
- The value of numericFormat consists of a character string composed of a fixed set of control characters that define how the number is to be formatted, as described in the following table.
Control Character Meaning * * fill character for leading zero. & 0 fill character for leading zero. # Blank fill for leading zero. < Left justify number. , Separator unless leading zero. The number when formatted contains the locale dependent separator. . Decimal point. The number when formatted contains the locale dependent decimal point. - Sign: - for <0; blank for >=0. + Sign: - for <0; + for >=0. ( Leading sign: ( for <0; blank for >=0. Specified in conjunction with ) for an accounting sign. ) Trailing sign: ) for <0; blank for >=0. $ Leading currency symbol. @ Trailing currency symbol.
Related reference
Text formatting (system words)