Library part

A library part contains a set of functions, variables, and constants that can be used by programs, page handlers, or other libraries. It is recommended that you use libraries to maximize your reuse of common code and values.

Rules are as follows:

The library is generated separately from the parts that use it. At run time, the library is loaded when first used and is unloaded when the program or page handler that accessed the library leaves memory, as occurs when the run unit ends or when a program (if segmented) issues a converse statement. .

A page handler gets a new copy of the library whenever the page handler is loaded. Also, a library that is invoked by another library remains in memory as long as the invoking library does.

A library that is used only for its constants is not loaded at run time because constants are generated as literals in the programs and page handlers that reference them.

Related reference
Function part in EGL source format
Library part in EGL source format
Run unit
Segmentation in text applications
Use declaration