An item of type TIME is a series of six single-byte numeric digits that reflect a specific moment.

The format of type TIME is hhmmss:


Two digits that represent the hour. The range is 00 to 24.


Two digits that represent the minute within the hour. The range is 00 to 59.


Two digits that represent the second within the minute. The range is 00 to 59.

The internal hexadecimal representation of an example value is as follows if the item is on a host environment which uses EBCDIC:

  // 8:40:20 o'clock
  F0 F8 F4 F0 F2 F0

The internal hexadecimal representation of an example value is as follows if the item is on a workstation environment like Windows 2000, which uses ASCII:

  // 8:40:20 o'clock
  30 38 34 30 32 30

An item of type TIME can receive data from and provide data to a relational database.

Related reference
Date and time (system words)
Datetime expressions
Primitive types