EGL reserved words
EGL includes two categories of reserved words:
- Words that are reserved for specific uses except when you are working on an SQL statement
- Words that are reserved for specific uses when you are working on an SQL statement
Words that are reserved outside of an SQL statement
Outside of SQL statements, the reserved words are as follows in any combination of upper- and lower-case letters:
- absolute, add, all, as
- bigInt, bin, blob, by, byName, byPosition
- call, case, char, clob, close, continue, converse, current
- dataItem, dataTable, date, dbChar, decimal, decrement, delete, display, dliCall
- else, embed, end, escape, execute, exit, externallyDefined
- field, first, float, for, forEach, form, formGroup, forUpdate, forward, freeSql, from, function
- get, goto
- hex, hold
- if, import, in, inOut, insert, int, interval, into, is, isa
- label, languageBundle, last, library, like
- matches, mathLib, mbChar, money, move
- next, noRefresh, not, nullable, num, number, numc
- onException, open, openUI, otherwise, out
- pacf, package, pageHandler, passing, prepare, previous, print, private, program, psb
- record, ref, relative, replace, report, return, returning, returns
- scroll, self, set, show, singleRow, smallFloat, smallInt, sql, stack, string, strLib, sysLib, sysVar
- this, time, timeStamp, to, transaction, transfer, try, type
- unicode, update, url, use, using, usingKeys
- when, while, with, withinParent
Words that are reserved in an SQL statement
In SQL statements, the reserved words are as follows in any combination of upper- and lower-case letters:
- absolute, action, add, alias, all, allocate, alter, and, any, are, as, asc, assertion, at, authorization, avg
- begin, between, bigint, binaryLargeObject, bit, bit_length, blob, boolean, both, by
- call, cascade, cascaded, case, cast, catalog, char, char_length, character, character_length, characterLargeObject, characterVarying, charLargeObject, charVarying, check, clob, close, coalesce, collate, collation, column, comment, commit, connect, connection, constraint, constraints, continue, convert, copy, corresponding, count, create, cross, current, current_date, current_time, current_timestamp, current_user, cursor
- data, database, date, dateTime, day, deallocate, dec, decimal, declare, default, deferrable, deferred, delete, desc, describe, diagnostics, disconnect, distinct, domain, double, doublePrecision, drop
- else, end, endExec, escape, except, exception, exec, execute, exists, explain, external, extract
- false, fetch, first, float, for, foreign, found, from, full
- get, getCurrentConnection, global, go, goto, grant, group
- having, hour
- identity, image, immediate, in, index, indicator, initially, inner, input, insensitive, insert, int, integer, intersect, into, is, isolation
- join
- key
- language, last, leading, left, level, like, local, long, longint, lower, ltrim
- match, max, min, minute, module, month
- national, nationalCharacter, nationalCharacterLargeObject, nationalCharacterVarying, nationalCharLargeObject, nationalCharVarying, natural, nchar, ncharVarying, nclob, next, no, not, null, nullIf, number, numeric
- octet_length, of, on, only, open, option, or, order, outer, output, overlaps
- pad, partial, position, prepare, preserve, primary, prior, privileges, procedure, public
- raw, read, real, references, relative, restrict, revoke, right, rollback, rows, rtrim, runtimeStatistics
- schema, scroll, second, section, select, session, session_user, set, signal, size, smallint, some, space, sql, sqlcode, sqlerror, sqlstate, substr, substring, sum, system_user
- table, tablespace, temporary, terminate, then, time, timestamp, timezone_hour, timezone_minute, tinyint, to, trailing, transaction, translate, translation, trim, true
- uncatalog, union, unique, unknown, update, upper, usage, user, using
- values, varbinary, varchar, varchar2, varying, view
- when, whenever, where, with, work, write
- year
- zone
Related reference
EGL statements
Naming conventions