EGL Java run-time error code VGJ0330E
VGJ0330E: Could not find a message with ID %1 in the message table %2.
This error can occur during the following operations:
- Lookup of the the value for a form's msgField.
- Lookup of the value with the identifier specified as an edit message.
One of the following conditions exists:
- A message with this ID does not exist in the message table.
- The table file or message resource bundle for the table has become corrupt.
User Response
Do one of the following:
- Ensure that a message with the message ID exists by doing the following:
- Add a message to the table with the message ID if it does not already exist.
- Regenerate the table.
- Run the program.
- Modify your program to use a different message that is already defined in the table.
- Modify your program to use a different message table that contains a message with the message ID.