EGL Java run-time error codes

At run time, EGL places error codes in the system variable sysVar.errorCode in the following cases:

The error codes that are assigned by the Java access functions are shown in the next table.

Value in sysVar.errorCode Description
00001000 An exception was thrown by an invoked method or as a result of a class initialization.
00001001 The object was null, or the specified identifier was not in the object space.
00001002 A public method, field, or class with the specified name does not exists or cannot be loaded.
00001003 The EGL primitive type does not match the type expected in Java.
00001004 The method returned null, the method does not return a value, or the value of a field was null.
00001005 The returned value does not match the type of the return item.
00001006 The class of an argument cast to null could not be loaded.
00001007 A SecurityException or IllegalAccessException was thrown during an attempt to get information about a method or field, or an attempt was made to set the value of a field that was declared final.
00001008 The constructor cannot be called; the class name refers to an interface or abstract class.
00001009 An identifier rather than a class name must be specified; the method or field is not static.

The other error codes are available if you review the help-system navigation. Also, to find details on a specific error code that begins with CSO, EGL, or VGJ, you can use the help-system search facility.

Related reference
I/O error values
Java access (system words)