The build descriptor option destHost specifies the name or numeric TCP/IP address of the target machine where the build server resides. No default is available.
If you are preparing Java output, the following statements apply:
- destHost is optional
- destHost is meaningful only if you generate into a directory rather than into a project
- If you specify destHost without specifying destDirectory, the directory in which the build server was started is the one that receives source and preparation outputs
- If you do not specify destHost, preparation occurs on the machine where generation occurs; and if destDirectory is not specified, the directory that is specified by build descriptor option genDirectory is the one that receives source and preparation outputs
- The UNIX environments are case sensitive
You can type up to 64 characters for the name or TCP/IP address. If you are developing on Windows NT, specify a name rather than a TCP/IP address.
Two example values for destHost are as follows: 9.99.999.99
Related reference
Build descriptor options