The build descriptor option prep specifies whether EGL begins preparation when generation completes with a return code <= 4. Valid values are YES and NO, and the default is YES.
Even if you set prep to NO, you can prepare code later. For details, see Invoking a build plan after generation.
Consider these cases:
- When you generate into a directory, EGL writes preparation messages to the directory specified in build descriptor option genDirectory, to the results file
- When you generate into a project (option genProject), the option prep has no effect, and preparation occurs in either of two situations:
- Whenever you rebuild the project
- Whenever you generate the source files; but only if you checked the workbench preference Perform build automatically on resource modification
If you wish to customize the generated build plan, do as follows:
- Set option prep to NO
- Set option buildPlan to YES (as is the default)
- Generate the output
- Customize the build plan
- Invoke the build plan, as described in buildPlan
Related concepts
Results file
Related tasks
Invoking a build plan after generation
Related reference
Build descriptor options
Generated output (reference)