An item of type NUMC is a numeric value in which each byte is a digit in character format, and the sign is represented by a sign-specific hexadecimal value in the left half of the rightmost byte. The length reflects both the number of digits and the number of bytes and ranges from 1 to 32.

For an item of length 4, the internal hexadecimal representations of example values are as follows if the item is on a host environment which uses EBCDIC:

  // for decimal 1234
  F1 F2 F3 C4

  // for decimal -1234
  F1 F2 F3 D4

The internal hexadecimal representations of example values are as follows if the item is on a workstation environment like Windows 2000, which uses ASCII:

  // for decimal 1234
  31 32 33 34

  // for decimal -1234
  31 32 33 74

Related reference
Primitive types