Build descriptor options

The next table lists all the build descriptor options.

Build descriptor option Build option filter(s) Description

  • Java target

Specifies whether a build plan is created

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Assigns a value to the Java run-time property cso.cicsj2c. timeout, which specifies the number of milliseconds before a timeout occurs during a call that uses protocol CICSJ2C

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Specifies the extent to which EGL system comments are included in output source code

  • Debug

  • Java target

Specifies a currency symbol that is composed of one to three characters

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Specifies the type of database accessed by the generated program

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Assigns a character to the Java run-time property vgj.nls.number. decimal, which indicates what character is used as a decimal symbol

  • Java target

Specifies the name of the directory that stores the output of preparation, but only when you generate Java

  • Java target

Specifies the name or numeric TCP/IP address of the target machine where the build server resides

  • Java target

Specifies the password that EGL uses to log on to the machine where preparation occurs

  • Java target

Specifies the port on which a remote build server is listening for build requests

  • Java target

Specifies the user ID that EGL uses to log on to the machine where preparation occurs

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Indicates whether, at validation time, EGL ignores code that will never run in the target system.

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Specifies whether to allow generation of Java wrapper classes

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Indicates whether you want to generate data tables

  • Java target

Specifies the fully qualified path of the directory into which EGL places generated output and preparation-status files

  • Java target

Indicates whether you want to generate the form group that is referenced in the use declaration of the program you are generating

  • Java target

Indicates whether you want to generate the help form group that is referenced in the use declaration of the program you are generating.

  • Java target

Places the output of Java generation into a workbench project and automates tasks that are required for Java run-time setup

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Specifies what kind of Java run-time properties to generate (if any) and, in some cases, whether to generate a linkage properties file

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Specifies whether a Java program is generated to run in a J2EE environment

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Contains the name of the linkage options part that guides aspects of generation
nextBuildDescriptor (see Build descriptor part)

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Identifies the next build descriptor in chain

  • Java target

Specifies whether EGL begins preparation when generation completes with a return code <= 4

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Contains the name of a resource associations part, which relates record parts to files and queues on the target platforms

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Identifies the name of an existing session element in the J2EE deployment descriptor

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Specifies the default database used by a generated program

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Specifies a user ID that is used to connect to a database during generation-time validation of SQL statements or at run time

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Specifies a driver class that is used to connect to a database during generation-time validation of SQL statements or during a non-J2EE Java debugging session

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Specifies the default database used by a generated Java program that runs in J2EE

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Specifies a password that is used to connect to a database during generation-time validation of SQL statements or at run time

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Specifies a URL that is used to connect to a database during generation-time validation of SQL statements

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Specifies a category of generation output

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Specifies the target national language code used for run-time output

  • Debug

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Indicates whether the generation process allows use of special program syntax

  • Java target

  • Java iSeries

Indicates whether SQL statements are validated against a database

Related concepts
Build descriptor part
Java run-time properties

Related tasks
Adding a build descriptor part to an EGL build file
Editing general options in a build descriptor

Related reference
Java run-time properties (details)