Changes to EGL identifiers in JSP files and generated Java beans

You assign names to page-handler functions, records, and items in accordance with the rules detailed in Naming conventions. However, EGL uses a variation of those names when creating Java identifiers in JSP files and in the Java bean that is derived from a page handler. You need to be aware of those variations if you use the source tab to edit a JSP file, if you use the Properties view, or if you work outside of the EGL-enabled tooling altogether.

The variations are as follows:

Aside from the variations listed earlier, EGL attempts to create an identifier that exactly matches the name in the page handler.

Consider the page-handler myJSP, which includes variable myIteM. If you bind that variable to a Boolean check box, the JSP file references the Java-bean property myJSP.EGLmyIteMAsBoolean, and the Java-bean getter and setter functions are named as follows:

The source for the Boolean check-box tag in the JSP file is as follows:

  <h:selectBooleanCheckbox styleClass="selectBooleanCheckbox"
        id="checkbox1" value="#{myJSP.EGLmyIteMAsBoolean}">

EGL avoids generating a name that would not be valid in Java; for details, see How Java names are aliased.

Related concepts
PageHandler part

Related tasks
Creating an EGL data item and associating it with a Faces JSP
Associating an EGL record with a Faces JSP

Using the Quick Edit view for page-handler code

Related reference
How Java names are aliased
Naming conventions
Page Designer support for EGL